No rider rules a horse that’s lately known the reins. Quae facie praesignis erit, resupina iaceto; spectentur tergo, quis sua terga placent. Snakes shed their old age with their fragile skin. The golden figures shining from the ornate theatre. si latet, ars prodest: adfert deprensa pudorem, atque adimit merito tempus in omne fidem. Sera veni positaque decens incede lucerna: etsi turpis eris, formosa videbere potis. and the excessively irksome care of a harsh husband. from her rash breast, was caught on her sad lover’s lips. Quid, cum legitima fraudatur littera voce. ‘Give it me back!’ at the top of her voice in the cattle-market. why should we be afraid of the leader’s name? qui tetigit thalamos praeda novella tuos. There too you can find protection against faded looks: Still, don’t let your lover find cosmetic bottles. Sed minimus labor est sapienter iactibus uti; tum sumus incauti studioque aperimur in ipso, ira subit, deforme malum, lucrique cupido. and scratched at her innocent cheeks with her nails: Then she fled quickly, frenzied, down the ways. Il termine ars si rifà alle artes, cioè ai manuali tecnici. the stag doesn’t teach the savage hounds to run. Think of Protesilaus, and Laodameia who they say. and the colour, there, is lost from the bright cheek. Monstra maris Sirenes erant, quae voce canora, his sua Sisyphides auditis paene resolvit, Res est blanda canor: discant cantare puellae, et modo marmoreis referant audita theatris, nec plectrum dextra, citharam tenuisse sinistra, Saxa ferasque lyra movit Rhodopeius Orpheus. Some officious person, evilly remembering what he’d heard. qui, nisi carptus erit, turpiter ipse cadet. Download "Ovidio e L'ars Amatoria" — riassunto di latino gratis. Anger enters, ugly mischief, desire for gain. We use cookies for social media and essential site functions. and through that opening seek a shameful gain. great horned Bacchus, and the Nine goddesses! Take the food daintily: how you eat does matter: don’t smear your face all over with a greasy hand. Procris, ut accepit nomen, quasi paelicis, Aurae. Book III Part I: It’s Time to Teach You Girls. Pleasure that comes with safety’s less enjoyable: though you’re freer than Thais, pretend fear. conveniunt tenues scapulis analemptrides altis. Let others seek advantage: faithful to how I started, I’ll go on: I’ll give the Lemnian girls swords to kill me. Nos male detegimur, raptique aetate capilli, ut Borea frondes excutiente, cadunt; perque aditus talis lucra pudenda petant. You make good the naked edges of your eyebrows. She saw signs that a body had pressed down the grass. We’re reckless, and revealed by eagerness itself. Avoid those men who profess to looks and culture. always arouses love, if it’s only for a short time. quam subeat partem callida quamque vocet. So too a lovely woman must let the people see her: and perhaps there’ll be one among them she attracts. said Pallas when she saw her face in the water. Now my spirit departs into that air with its deceptive name: He held the body of his dying lady on his sad breast. The Rijksmuseum, Translated by A. S. Kline © Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved. Il poemetto si colloca nella tradizione del poema didascalico: perciò Ovidio si contrappone ai predecessori nel suo … the stones obligingly made Thebes’s new walls. fac timeat speretque simul, quotiensque remittes. Milanion bore Atalanta’s legs on his shoulders: if they’re good looking, that mode’s acceptable. Si bene promittent, totidem promittite verbis; Illa potest vigiles flammas exstinguere Vestae. fallet et umiduli quae fiet acumine lini. so that my weary vessel can reach harbour. that you recite softly with sweetly-teachable lips: or let your voice sing those letters he composed, the Heroides: he invented that form unknown to others.’. the darker then have recourse to linen from Alexandria. Ho scelto submit to slavery, poor things, for many years. Our good leader trusts those commanders with a squad. Charm’s in a defect: they try to speak badly: they’re taught, when they can speak, to speak less. fons sacer et viridi caespite mollis humus; silva nemus non alta facit; tegit arbutus herbam; ros maris et lauri nigraque myrtus olent; nec densum foliis buxum fragilesque myricae, Lenibus inpulsae Zephyris auraque salubri. Tum bene fortis equus reserato carcere currit. Username: Password: Registrati: Dimenticata la password? and hide your natural cheeks with little patches. La traduzione è divisa per constiterat) folium granaque pauca dedit; sensimus acceptis numen quoque; purior aether. crimina dicuntur, resonat clamoribus aether. In vitio decor est: quaedam male reddere verba; discunt posse minus, quam potuere, loqui. stood Venus herself, and ordered me to teach you. lana tot aut plures sucos bibit: elige certos; Pulla decent niveas: Briseida pulla decebant; cum rapta est, pulla tum quoque veste fuit. No woman taught under my control should fail to know. Iudice me fraus est concessa repellere fraudem, Ducere consuescat multas manus una figuras. Tu licet et Thamyran superes et Amoebea cantu. I nearly forgot the skilful ways by which you can. See, what to you, you’ll say, looks similar to that fleece. Sed famae vigilare iuvat: quis nosset Homerum, Quis Danaën nosset, si semper clausa fuisset. Quis adtoniti pectoris ardor erat? nor find your entrance damaged by some nocturnal quarrel. Don’t let light into the room through all the windows: it’s fitting for much of your body to be concealed. Dux bonus huic centum commisit vite regendos. it’s important to banish looks of anger from your face: bright peace suits human beings, anger the wild beast. But to resume the work: bare facts for me. with their nails, or prick the arm they’ve snatched at with a pin. has Clytemnestra, her sister, to charge with crime. Dulcia non ferimus; suco renovemur amaro: Adde forem, et duro dicat tibi ianitor ore. «Non potes», exclusum te quoque tanget amor. Ars Amatoria Liber primus Liber secundus Liber tertius Remedia amoris Click on a word to bring up parses, dictionary entries, and frequency statistics. quae tibi dem et turmae, Penthesilea, tuae. like the swift child of Parthia, turn your mount around. At non pectendos coram praebere capillos, devovet, et tangit, dominae caput illa simulque, Quae male crinita est, custodem in limine ponat. then: ‘What have the poor girls done. no honour remains to you, with Phyllis left behind. the weary youth often settled on this spot, ‘Come, fickle breeze (Aura), who cools my heat’, he used to sing, ‘be welcome to my breast.’. the law lets arms be wielded against arms. Ordior a cultu: cultis bene Liber ab uvis. The crowd come to be taught, girls pretty and plain: and always the greater part are not-so-good. We can’t stand sweetness: bitterness renews our taste: often a yacht sinks swamped by a favourable wind: their husbands can come to them when they wish: add a closed door and a hard-mouthed janitor. Lovely girls, the crowd is useful to you. Falsely, Jason left Medea, already a mother: As far as you knew, Theseus, the sea birds fed on Ariadne. Formosae non artis opem praeceptaque quaerunt; est illis sua dos, forma sine arte potens: cum mare compositum est, securus navita cessat; Rara tamen menda facies caret: occule mendas. or because blue waters retreat from the piers: but because civilisation’s here, and no crudity remains. If they promise truly, promise in as many words: and if they give, you give the joys that were agreed. or those who drink your waters, Mysian Caicus. quid facis, infelix? constant, nec, quae sunt singula, bina vide. Though dumb, a Dolphin’s thought to have responded. that are looked after, tall crops stand in cultivated soil. Life’s to be used: life slips by on swift feet. Perhaps the best dressed among them all’s a thief. And the jailor’s attention’s fuddled with much wine. O Sole, o Sole, che brutto esempio! That’s no creature. ), I don’t love unless I’m hurt. Categoria: Chimica; Tipo: Appunti; Formato:.doc, .pdf; Pagine: 3 (8.7 KB) virgilio: vita, opere e traduzione quarta egogla bucoliche e primo libro (121-146) georgiche - VirgilioVita Virgilio fu un autore romano che visse tra il 70 a.c. e il 19 a.c. , in un drammatico periodo per Roma. and throw back your head with its flowing tresses. Nor does my voice say sell it, just don’t be afraid. She might as well put out the sleepless Vestal’s fire. Si quis in hoc artem populo non novit amandi, hoc legat et lecto carmine doctus amet. «redde meum» clamant spoliatae saepe puellae, Has, Venus, e templis multo radiantibus auro. Non est fera: supprime tela! bravely herself entered the grove, in secret, on silent feet. We’ll think you too are sleeping while you do your face: Why should I know the source of the brightness in your looks? Let him lie before the door, crying: ‘Cruel entrance!. Ricorda Utente Splash. The larger number among you lack such gifts. from the three books stamped with the title Amores. Ennius earned it, born in Calabria’s hills, Now the ivy wreaths lie without honour, and the painful toil. Alcestis , his wife, redeemed Admetus’s life with her own: the wife, for the man, was borne to the husband’s funeral. and bathed the cruel wound with his tears. But we’re easily caught, torn by powerful passions. when his outer layer was seven hides of an ox? OVIDIO:Ars Amatoria. Lezioni d'amore. Taking pains brings beauty: beauty neglected dies. Don’t ask for brocade. and the door alone doesn’t grant the exits you seek? how to advance craftily, how to challenge. and tongues forced to make lisping sounds to order? We can make beauties that please us widely known: you’ll have heard of Lycoris from East to West: Add that guile is absent from the sacred poets. I’ve seen girls, made pallid by this terror. How can a guard make sure that you can’t write. add tears, and feigned grief over a rival. Don’t those ointments smell? Traduzione Integrale Dell'Ars Amatoria di Ovidio, Forum Discussioni off-topic: commenti, esempi e tutorial dalla community di into your chariot, while the Satyrs gave their cries. Divina Commedia. What destroyed you all, I ask? cautaque non stulte latronum proelia ludat, bellatorque sua prensus sine compare bellat. Nec somnis posita tutum succumbere mensa: «Praecipue nostrum est, quod pudet,» inquit «opus.», nota sibi sit quaeque; modos a corpore certos. Quid faciat custos, cum sint tot in Urbe theatra. deve tribus libris, titulo quos signat Amorum. with the same bit as one that’s truly mastered. L’Ars amatoria.L’Ars amatoria, composta tra l’1 a.C. e l’1 d.C. è il capolavoro ovidiano dell’elegia amorosa di tipo didascalico. We’re captivated by elegance: don’t ignore your hair: beauty’s granted or denied by a hand’s touch. Forma dei munus; forma quota quaeque superbit? Don’t think it shameful to loosen your hair, like a Maenad. not to know how to play: playing often brings on love. Arte citae veloque rates remoque moventur, arte leves currus: arte regendus Amor. «Lux mea» quaeque solent verba iurare viros! nor is Cephalus the rosy goddess of Dawn’s shameful prize. Let a woman noted for her length of body. when the false key tells by its name what we should do. and Tartarus’s lake and Cerberus, the triple-headed hound. an unarmed crowd betrayed to well-armed men? by Venus, and her Boy, who flies through all the world. Don’t eat before at home, but stop before you’re full: if Paris, Priam’s son, saw Helen eating greedily, he’d detest it, and say: ‘Mine’s a foolish prize.’. how many ways you have to repair the damage! Though as many eyes as Argus owned observe you. Curribus Automedon lentisque erat aptus habenis, Tiphys in Haemonia puppe magister erat: Quid de veste loquar? near to the bright slopes of flowered Hymettus: the low woods form a grove: strawberry-trees touch the grass. (Ars amatoria, 3, vv. (perfidus ille quidem, qui talia pignora servat. cum sedeat Phariae sistris operata iuvencae. nec mihi tot positus numero conprendere fas est: Et neglecta decet multas coma: saepe iacere, Ars casu similis: sic capta vidit ut urbe, Alcides Iolen, «Hanc ego» dixit «amo.», talem te Bacchus Satyris clamantibus «Euhoe». hold back your throw! credite: praestabunt carmina nostra fidem. et sine fronde frutex et sine crine caput. That one laughs stridently in a hateful manner. Look what the Capitol is now, and what it was: you’d say it belonged to a different Jove. Also when the lover you’ve just caught falls into the net. Where does art not penetrate? Idle Nature has allotted these games to girls: Theirs the swift ball, the javelin and the hoop. pretend to sweet delight with artful sounds. that dusky India gathers in its green waters. Non erat armatis aequum concurrere nudas; Dixerit e multis aliquis «Quid virus in anguis. But it’s fine to be seen out walking in the shade of Pompey’s. Though you excel Thamyras and Amoebeus in song. cum, quos praetereat quosque sequatur, habet. et quaeris monitus hac quoque parte meos. Keep rivals away: you’ll win while you hold just one: love and power don’t last long when they’re shared. te solam norit, tibi semper inhaereat uni; Effuge rivalem: vinces, dum sola tenebis; non bene cum sociis regna Venusque manent. nec, quae praeteriit, hora redire potest. So why should any woman say: ‘Not now’? nostra sine auxilio fugiunt bona: carpite florem. There’s a sacred fountain, and sweet green-turfed ground. I remember I lamented, friends are to be feared: If you’re credulous, others snatch your joys. why waste the water if you’re not going to use it? There are names known for a certain sort of reputation too. Quis dubitet, quin scire velim saltare puellam. Cum tot prodiderint pretio leviore colores. instead of her own, pays cash for another’s. Ora tument ira, nigrescunt sanguine venae. Add that the time of youth is shortened by childbirth: the field’s exhausted by continual harvest. or bees on Hybla, wild beasts on Alpine mountains. I want to kiss your shoulder, as far as it’s shown. Stesichorus who spoke against Helen’s un-chastity, If I know you well (don’t harm the cultured girls now! What ardour, in your terrified heart? lest he consider you hardly worth a night. nunc iuvat: incertus pectora versat amor: credere quae iubeant, locus est et nomen et index. Ask why one road’s called Nine-Times and hear. Did you think she’d come soon, Aura, whoever she was, Now regretting that you came (not wishing to surprise them). I’ll start with how you look: good wine comes from vines. One moves her hips with art, catches the breeze. wealth which you court us with, often makes us flee. It’s more fitting, and it suits girls more, to drink: Bacchus you don’t go badly with Venus’s boy. Nupta virum timeat, rata sit custodia nuptae: hoc decet, hoc leges duxque pudorque iubent. Ars casu similis: sic capta vidit ut urbe. Who’s not offended by cream smeared all over your face. accedant lacrimae, dolor et de paelice fictus, Iamdudum persuasus erit; miscebitur ultro. ‘Away with you, flute, you’re not worth all that,’. I’ve given the Greeks arms, against Amazons: arms remain. dawn roses, and the Thracian crane’s grey. Cura dabit faciem; facies neglecta peribit. Tu quoque, cui Veneris sensum natura negavit. You, hide the trembling youth in any hole. But neither Phoebus’s tripods nor Ammon’s horn. he’ll believe he could touch the goddesses with love. Nei tre libri che la compongono Ovidio si presenta come praeceptor amoris rifacendosi agli schemi dell’epica didascalica (disgressioni, invocazioni agli dei, ecc.). There’s a kind of game, the board squared-off by as many lines. while we’re in harbour, may you ride the gentle breeze. Ovidio. What’s easily given nourishes love poorly: mingle the odd rejection with welcome fun. Favole. cnÄ«s dÄscÄndÄrÄ tÄmpÅ«s. and don’t deny your delights to loving men. Leave your maid alone: I hate those who scratch her face. How near I was to warning you, no rankness of the wild goat. Venus - Cornelis Bloemaert (II) (Dutch, 1603 - 1692) As her joyous error in the name came to the miserable girl. With so many cheaper colours having appeared. Poets were once the concern of gods and kings: and the ancient chorus earned a big reward. Venus, from your temple, all glittering with gold. when he has others to pass, and others follow. and be able to recite tender Propertius’s song, and the high-flown speech of Varro’s fleece. And those traced out with a point wetted with linseed oil. It’s I who spoke of facial treatments for your beauty. Yet their aims are not required for my art. pleading very humbly, threatening a lot too. ut Veneri, quem luget adhuc, donetur Adonis. Munda sed e medio consuetaque verba, puellae, A, quotiens dubius scriptis exarsit amator. Scilicet obstabit custos ne scribere possis. How often a doubting lover’s been set on fire by letters. attack his mistress’s tender cheeks with his nails. nor in poor spirits if you hear of a rival. Si bene te novi, cultas ne laede puellas: gratia, dum vives, ista petenda tibi est.», dixit et e myrto (myrto nam vincta capillos. Your chestnuts are not lacking, Amaryllis, and almonds: As many as the flowers the new world, in warm spring, bears. lest the single tablet contain two hands. and, if you check, they’re rarely accused of fraud. from birth, laughing would be a fatal error. And, you, sacred powers of poetry. Nec minus in vultu damnosa superbia vestro: Odimus inmodicos (experto credite) fastus: Sic ubi prolusit, rudibus puer ille relictis. you’ll deceive them (if only your will is firm). Why betray unfinished work? I’ve given the Greeks arms, against Amazons: arms remain, to give to you Penthesilea, and your Amazon troop. Who’ll prevent me using great examples for little things. Quid aperto pectore in hostem. suffers much that the beginner won’t endure: he won’t break the door down, burn it with cruel fire. Munera det dives; ius qui profitebitur, adsit; Carmina qui facimus, mittamus carmina tantum: Nos facimus placitae late praeconia formae: nomen habet Nemesis, Cynthia nomen habet. will lie alone, and aged, in the cold of night. or are always loosening your failed hairstyle again. Traduzione e introduzione di Ortensio Celeste RL S.P.A. editore 2017 – Un libro da leggere. Please refer to our Privacy Policy. though Amphiarus, and his horses too, came living to the Styx, Penelope was faithful to her husband for all ten years. Shameful a woman lying there, drenched with too much wine: she’s worthy of sleeping with anyone who’ll have her. Let us mingle our ashes,’. on your dressing table: art delights in its hidden face. 1. Promessi Sposi. sed tamen Aetnaei fulminis instar habent). You’re anxiously expecting, while I lead you to dinner. So long as the head holds out, and the mind and feet. At your song, Amphion, just avenger of your mother. Virtue herself is named and worshipped as a woman too: it’s no wonder that she delights her followers. But there’s not much labour in knowing all the moves: there’s much more work in keeping to your rules. What’s hidden is unknown: nothing unknown’s desired: there’s no prize for a face that truly lacks a witness. nos, hilarem populum, femina laeta capit. by being lazy, and to wash your face each morning in water?
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