star trek iii ‑ alla ricerca di spock

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock is a 1984 American science fiction film, written and produced by Harve Bennett, directed by Leonard Nimoy, and based on the television series Star Trek. "What should a person do to help a friend? [17] The idea and name of the Vulcan "katra" came from Bennett's discussions with Nimoy. George took design cues from sketches of bodybuilders and football players, incorporating the starship equivalents of down-stretched, threatening arms and muscular shoulders, together with what looked like shoulder pads and a chin guard on the ship's outstretched neck. [95] Harry M. Geduld, writing for The Humanist, criticized the film for what he called "contradictions and implausibilities", such as Scott's sabotage of the Excelsior and Spock's regeneration. Be warned. John Larroquette plays Maltz, a member of Kruge's bridge crew whom Nimoy describes as "the thoughtful Klingon". [57] Because the shot was filmed on black instead of the traditional bluescreen, the animators had to remove or rotoscope the black background around Lloyd one frame at a time. [34] Many of the animal's intended movements were minimized; the crew did not move its ears because it made the supposedly repulsive creature "cute". Nimoy said that Lloyd brought a welcome element of theatricality to the role. Nimoy was also interested in scientific ethics—how quickly can science move and what are the dangers of that movement. [47] For scenes where Kirk and Kruge battle at a precipice over a pit of lava, the shot combined animated lava, clouds (really cotton daubs on black), lightning, and a matte painting. [30] Simulated zero-gravity explosions were filmed and reflected onto a card using the same motion control program used for the models. When writing music for The Wrath of Khan, Horner was aware he would reuse certain cues for an impending sequel; two major themes he reworked were for Genesis and Spock. V hlavních rolích William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy a DeForest Kelley. [8] Despite the precautions, word of the Enterprise's destruction leaked out before the film's release. [40] Fletcher developed a mythology behind each outfit; the stone ornaments on Sarek's robe, for instance, were intended to be representative of a Vulcan's level of consciousness. The scene was intended to end in a barroom brawl when security tried to take McCoy into custody; Nimoy decided that "it didn't feel right" and there was not enough time or money to achieve the scene successfully. 24. [55] Two- and four-ounce bombs and gasoline were used as pyrotechnics in live action scenes of the bridge being destroyed. So wurde der Part mit Robin Curtis besetzt. The usual method for achieving the effect of the creature wrapping itself around Kruge would have been to film the sequence in reverse, but this posed problems: the slime coating Kruge would have been out of place with reverse filming, and multiple takes would ruin the Klingon makeup Lloyd wore. Lenard had previously played the role in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Journey to Babel" and the Star Trek: The Animated Series episode "Yesteryear". Später wurde das Drehbuch geändert, aber die Modelle waren schon gefertigt. [60] Much like the content of the film, Horner's music was a direct continuation of the score he wrote for the previous film. Februar 2021 um 22:06 Uhr bearbeitet. [33] The interior illumination was generated by outside fiber optics and 2,000- to 5,000-watt lights. Feeling that recreating everything on set resulted in a fake look, the cinematographer suggested that Genesis be filmed on Kauai in Hawaii,[17] and that Red Rock Canyon stand in for Vulcan. However, he has declared that he had no doubts about Nimoy's ability to direct the film. Due to difference in the scales of the dock and ship models, it was impossible to film the Excelsior and Enterprise inside the set. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. Als der klingonische Kommandant Kruge von dem Genesis-Projekt erfährt, beschließt er, die aus seiner Sicht „ultimative Waffe“ an sich zu bringen und deswegen nach Genesis zu fliegen. Star Trek III - Alla ricerca di Spock (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) è un film di fantascienza del 1984 per la regia di Leonard Nimoy; è il terzo episodio cinematografico derivato dalla serie televisiva di Star Trek. ILM's solution involved rigging the worm with fishing lines that were pulled in a choreographed fashion by multiple off-screen helpers to simulate the wrapping movement. [12] Catherine Shirriff plays Valkris, Kruge's doomed lover. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) - IMDb Directed by Leonard Nimoy. Only 1 left in stock. The Enterprise bridge was reconfigured to stand in for the Grissom, with the chairs reupholstered and the central navigation console rotated to modify the floor plan. Passa al contenuto. 4.7 out of 5 stars 863 ratings. James Horner's soundtrack to the film was released on a 43-minute LP record by Capitol Records in 1984, and also contained a 12" single titled "The Search for Spock", composed by Horner and performed by Group 87, a band featuring composer Mark Isham and Missing Persons drummer Terry Bozzio. To get the fire to reflect on the actor's faces, Correll used a variety of tricks with normal lights; using natural fire would not have provided the required intensity. [45], Many of The Search for Spock's dialogue sequences feature tight close-up shots. [44] Nimoy's name never appeared on call sheets, and Spock was referred to in the script as "Nacluv" (Vulcan spelled backwards). Die Übernahme der Regie durch Leonard Nimoy nährte bereits Spekulationen, dass der von ihm dargestellte Charakter des Captain Spock in diesem Star-Trek-Film wieder ins Leben zurückkehren würde. [52], The fiery breakup of the Genesis planet involved fire, smoke, and earth upheaval. Any mention of the production was removed from stationery and documents, and "Trois" (three, in French) was written as a code word. Upon arriving at Earth Spacedock, Doctor Leonard McCoy begins to act strangely and is detained. He began writing the screenplay, noting that "seventeen other people could have written [it]" after the hints at Spock's resurrection in the previous film. [17] The production's estimated budget of $16 million[2] was slightly larger than that of The Wrath of Khan, but still much less than Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979). [84] Sterritt said that the script occasionally veered in "arbitrary" directions and contained missteps, such as how the Grissom and its crew are suddenly lost, but the plot disregards their fate. [27] While in the film, the Excelsior is supposed to be larger than its predecessor, the physical model was 12 inches (30 cm) smaller than the Enterprise. They find that the Genesis Device has resurrected Spock in the form of a child, although his mind is not present. The Search for Spock received generally positive reviews from critics. [89] Lloyd's portrayal of Kruge received praise from New York's David Denby and The Daily News's Hunter Reigler. [8] Nimoy even appropriated the Klingon bridge set from another production. The result was an explosion that moved with the model. So kommt es zwischen beiden zum Kampf, in dessen Verlauf der Klingone in den Abgrund mit einem Lavastrom stürzt und zuvor versucht hat, Kirk mit sich in den Tod zu reißen. [48] One of the largest miniatures, measuring 20 by 16 feet (6.1 by 4.9 m), had trick trees and trapdoors that could be reset, propane jets for gusts of fire, and solenoid-triggered rockfalls. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. [76] President Ronald Reagan screened the film for friends during a weekend away from the White House in 1984, spent with White House staff chief Mike Deaver and the president's own close friend Senator Paul Laxalt. Star Trek 3 Alla Ricerca Di Spock [Italian Edition] Shatner (Actor), Doohan (Actor), Nimoy (Director) & Rated: To Be Announced Format: DVD. In späteren Fernsehausstrahlungen waren sie aber teilweise wieder vorhanden. ILM built one of the worms with more articulation than the others; Ralston operated the creature through a hole in the set floor with his hand stuck inside the creature. 1994: Treffen der Generationen • Das zweite Auftauchen der klingonischen Sprache (und das erste Mal, dass diese sich nach der von Marc Okrand erdachten Sprachstruktur richtet) geht in der deutschen Synchronfassung des Films verloren, da die klingonischen Dialoge des Films restlos ins Deutsche übersetzt wurden. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock is a 1984 American science fiction film, written and produced by Harve Bennett, directed by Leonard Nimoy, and based on the television series Star Trek. Security guards checked the picture identification cards of production staff. 4 Risposte 131979 Visite Ultimo messaggio da … FILM. Paramount Pictures commissioned the film after the positive critical and commercial reaction to The Wrath of Khan. Ma … How deeply should a friendship commitment go? Neither audio nor subtitles are available in your language. [46], Before McCoy is arrested by security, he attempts to charter a spaceflight to Genesis in a bar. [56], Among the other effects ILM had to produce were the transporter beam and the warp speed effect. Among the promotional merchandise created for the film's release were Search for Spock-branded calendars[73] and glasses sold at Taco Bell. Die Zerstörung der Enterprise musste erneut gefilmt werden, da man der Meinung war, dass die ursprüngliche Version der Szene wenig emotionale Wirkung hatte und zu sehr dem Ende von George Lucas’ Star-Wars-Film Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter ähnelte. Währenddessen sind Saavik und David an Bord der U.S.S. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. [31], The Earth Spacedock was a design intended to expand the scope of Star Trek. [8], The Excelsior was a new design that ILM felt was a better rendition of a Federation starship—sleeker and more modern than the Enterprise. There, Spock's katra is reunited with his body in a dangerous procedure called fal-tor-pan. Each worm was attached to an elevated platform by a piece of fishing line; the lines were tied to rods underneath the set. [12] Mark Lenard plays Sarek, Spock's father and a Vulcan ambassador. They come from many sources and are not checked. Excelsior konnte Scott zuvor sabotieren. Much of the lighting was provided by tables rigged with fluorescent tubes to provide an effect different from other parts of the film. Admiral Kirk and his bridge crew risk their careers stealing the decommissioned U.S.S. Nimoy was given the job after he persuaded Eisner that this was not the case. [12], The Vulcan stairs were filmed at Occidental College—the production's only location shooting. [56] Overhead shots of the lava were created by lighting a piece of clear Plexiglass with colored gels and covering the plate with methacyl, vermiculite and charcoal; the mixture dripped off the surface and coated the crew underneath. [34] Nimoy wanted the ship to be reminiscent of an attacking bird, with movable wings that changed depending on whether the ship was in a cruising or attack posture. Mit Leonard Nimoy führte hier erstmals einer der Hauptdarsteller der Serie auch Regie – eine Neuerung, die in den folgenden Filmen fortgesetzt wurde. FAQ; Indice. Esteban, the captain of the ill-fated Grissom. "It didn't come down to money in the end but to who could do it quickly [...] we had a [reputation] for working fast and doing quality work," Burman explained. The ship models required multiple camera passes because different parts of the ship and its lights were filmed at different exposure levels. [18] The film's production acknowledged certain expectations from fans—Nimoy remarked that if Spock had not been resurrected and, instead, "Captain Kirk turn[ed] to the camera and [said] 'Sorry, we didn't find him,' people would throw rocks at the screen. ← VorgängerStar Trek II: Der Zorn des Khan, Nachfolger →Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart. Su Screenweek trovi tutte le foto e i poster del film Star Trek III: Alla ricerca di Spock, oltre a video, trailer e recensioni della redazione e degli utenti. Reviewers generally praised the cast and characters, while criticism tended to focus on the plot; the special effects were conflictingly received. While most of the set was undamaged, holes in the side of the building had to be covered with heavy black curtains to prevent outside light from leaking in. Many props were created out of wood and embellished with small pieces from model kits. Star Trek III: Pátrání po Spockovi je akční film z roku 1984, spadající do žánrů akční, dobrodružný a sci-fi. [87] Sterritt felt that the settings always felt like they were on soundstages rather than out in space,[93] and Denby wrote that more could have been done with Genesis, and that while it was an interesting concept its special effects execution was lacking. Promising the secret of Genesis, Kirk lures Kruge to the planet and has Kruge beam Kirk's crew to the Klingon vessel. [17] Bennett took the opportunity to flesh out the alien race, who he felt were ill-defined in the television series. It featured a text commentary by Michael Okuda and audio commentary from Nimoy, Bennett, Correll, and Curtis. Disobeying orders, Kirk and his officers spring McCoy from detention, disable the USS Excelsior, and steal the Enterprise from Spacedock to return to the Genesis planet to retrieve Spock's body. [12] Bennett started writing the script with the ending, where Spock says, "Your name is... Jim", and worked backwards from that point. The casualties of the fight include Admiral James T. Kirk's Vulcan friend, Spock, whose casket was launched into space and eventually landed on the planet created by the Genesis Device. In its second weekend the film's gross dropped 42 percent. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 11. The ceremony is successful and Spock is resurrected, alive and well, though his memories are fragmented. "It has some of the basic bird shape, but it's more ominous", Ralston said. McCoy versucht wenig später, illegal zu dem unter Quarantäne gesetzten Genesis-Planeten zu gelangen, wird dabei jedoch aufgegriffen und in eine psychiatrische Anstalt der Sternenflotte gebracht. ... And what sacrifices, what obstacles, will these people endure? Composer James Horner returned to expand his themes from the previous film. [8] Takei was dismayed to hear that his character was called "Tiny" by a guard at McCoy's cell during the film, and argued with the film's producer to have the line cut. [12] In addition, he wanted the characters to have significant scenes, however small, that made them grounded and real. [8] Correll hoped the place would burn down so that he would get his chance to film in Hawaii. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan. [59] Horner had written Spock's theme to give the character more dimension: "By putting a theme over Spock, it warms him and he becomes three-dimensional rather than a collection of schticks," he said. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home by William Shatner DVD $12.99. The result was disappointing; as the Enterprise grew larger the streaks became distorted and out of place. [52] The Klingons' transporters were given a harsh red look to differentiate them from the smooth blue Federation effect. Ursprünglich war der Bird of Prey als romulanisches Schiff geplant. A graphic bird design was integrated into the ship's underside. The actor referred the producer to an episode of the television series, "Amok Time", that suggested to Bennett a high level of "spiritual transference" among the Vulcans. Kirk trifft bei einem Besuch auf Spocks Vater, Sarek, den vulkanischen Botschafter und erfährt, dass Spock vor seinem Tod seine Katra (seinen Geist) auf McCoy übertragen hat und nur sein Körper gestorben ist. Das Experiment gelingt: Spock erkennt seine Freunde wieder. Star Trek (2009) Star Trek Into Darkness. Most of the Starfleet uniforms had already been designed for the previous film, but Fletcher wanted to dress the main characters in civilian clothes. [93] Arnold wrote that Shatner missed an opportunity to act on par with The Wrath of Khan's revelation that Kirk was David's father. For the 2016 film, see, "TSFS" redirects here. [24], The script was completed in six weeks. [49] While many of the scenes appeared lit with minimal light sources such as flickering fires, Correll tried to use as much light as possible. Critical reaction to The Search for Spock was positive, but notably less so than the previous film. This file contains additional information such as Exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it. [89] In a 2010 retrospective of the film franchise, author Jill Sherwin suggests the aging Enterprise served as a metaphor for the aging Star Trek franchise. La sconfitta inflitta a Khan dall'Ammiraglio Kirk e la creazione del pianeta Genesis sono vittorie che nessuno ha voglia di celebrare. La più grande comunità di Star Trek in Italia. 1998: Der Aufstand • You've ruined two pieces, two elements," Farrar said. [59], In hours-long discussions with Bennett and Nimoy, Horner agreed with the director that the "romantic and more sensitive" cues were more important than the "bombastic" ones. Un pianeta che muore, una lotta per la vita. In Stock. [39] Opening the dock's space doors was problematic because the lights illuminating the inside of the dock from the exterior had to be hidden from the camera to prevent lens flares. Su Screenweek trovi tutte le foto e del film Star Trek III: Alla ricerca di Spock, oltre che a video, poster, trailer e recensioni della redazione e degli utenti. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. ILM decided the effect appeared too "animated-looking", and defied common sense: "if there was a fanfare to decloaking, everyone would know the Klingons were coming and blow them out of the sky before they could even finish materializing," Ralston said. [90] On Metacritic the film has a score of 56/100 based on reviews from 17 critics, indicating mixed to average reviews. Sie stellen dabei nicht nur zwei Lebensformen fest, sondern auch, dass Spocks Sarg leer ist. [12] Aware of the story's predictability, Bennett decided to have the USS Enterprise destroyed, and intended this plot element be kept a secret. Anschließend spricht Spock aus dem Off: „Der Weltraum: In seiner Unendlichkeit unsere letzte große Herausforderung. Frank Welker provided Spock's screams, and Steve Blalock doubled for Nimoy, so that a total of seven actors contributed to the role. #StarTrekIIIAllaRicercaDiSpock There had never been a good marriage between the forehead appliance and the actor's faces. Several shots were combined together for the complete destruction sequence; while Ralston would have preferred to take a mallet to the original $150,000 model, a variety of cheaper models were used. Den Warp-Antrieb des zur Verfolgung der Enterprise eingesetzten Raumschiffs U.S.S. [12] Anderson claimed to be 5 feet 2 inches (1.57 m) tall, but her true height was closer to 4 feet 8 inches (1.42 m), which presented a problem when the designers needed to make her look appropriately regal. The Search for Spock opened on June 1, 1984. [61] The theme was expanded in The Search for Spock to represent the ancient alien mysticism and culture of Spock and Vulcan. When James T. Kirk (William Shatner) learns that Spock's spirit, or katra, is held in the mind of Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy (DeForest Kelley), Kirk and company steal the Enterprise to return Spock's body to his homeworld.

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