mina e celentano io e te

Ascoltandola e riascoltandola ci sento della rabbia, uno sfogo dolce e contenuto. The series also included "La coppia più bella del mondo" ("The Most Beautiful Couple in the World"), a duet with Adriano Celentano. [61], Mina said she would be retiring from public appearances after an exclusive concert at the La Bussola Club on 16 September. Het nummer vertelt het verhaal van een verkrachting tijdens de oorlog. La poesia non richiede interpretazione. "Sacumdì Sacumdà", Mina's talking and laughing version of Carlos Imperial's bossa nova "Nem Vem Que Não Tem", narrowly escaped a ban by RAI because of its irreverent lyrics. Vedo le promesse di cura e di speranza verso un caro amato che la vita pone di fronte a problemi psicofisici. a me pare si alluda al bipolarisimo, ti sollevero dai dolori e dagli sbalzi di umore, dalle ossessioni delle tue manie…ti salvero da ogni tua malinconia….io la posso leggere anche in questa chiave…. Bastogi). In 2001, Mina published the compilation album Colección Latina. Clicca qui per saperne di più Privacy Policy(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src = "//cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); IL SIGNIFICATO DELLE CANZONI Copyright © 2020. Il brano Acqua e sale è l'unico inedito scritto dagli Audio 2.; I brani Io ho te e Dolly sono interpretati rispettivamente da Mina e Celentano. Chissà che dice Battiato…comunque non è una cosa solo sua ormai. Il tuo commento mi ha fatto piangere. Mina is a soprano with great agility[5] and a range of three octaves. She founded the independent record label PDU in collaboration with her father. Questo sito usa Akismet per ridurre lo spam. Contatti. [citation needed], When she altered her musical style in 1969, Mina changed her hairdo from short and straight to long blonde curls, and started to wear a black minidress. Mina's last live TV appearance was the final episode of the Milleluci series on 16 March 1974. [9] Her new melodic manner[42] was demonstrated again on 11 December 1964 TV program Il macchiettario, where she performed "Io sono quel che sono" ("I Am What I Am"). The Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar has used Mina's songs in his movie soundtracks. Mina and the three songwriters met in a RAI rehearsal room at Via Teulada, Rome. She was a staple of television variety shows[5] and a dominant figure in Italian pop music from the 1960s to the mid-1970s,[6] known for her three-octave vocal range,[7] the agility of her soprano voice,[7] and her image as an emancipated woman. The latter two albums were recorded during a break from live performances to give birth to her daughter Benedetta. Una delle più belle canzoni d’amore! After "Non gioco più" ("The Game Is Over"), a blues duet with the harmonica player Toots Thielemans, Mina announced her withdrawal from public performances. In the dialog she scoffs at the compliments he gives her, calling them parole – just words. "Io amo, tu ami" ("I Love, You Love") finished fourth and "Le mille bolle blu" ("A Thousand Blue Bubbles") placed fifth. Mina's cover of "Don't call me baby (Can't take my eyes off you)" (2003) reached #4 in Italy. 321 interpreti e 1909 canzoni The break in Mina's TV appearances lasted until 2001, when she released footage of her recording sessions. [54] Mina's performance was typically characterised by expressive intensity, subtle variations, and original phrasing. L’impegno ad amarsi e a prendesi cura di sè? Grande maestro Battiato, grazie! Io l’ho intesa come una canzone in cui l’autore si impegna ad accompagnare con fermezza, pazienza e saggezza la propria amata nel difficile cammino verso la morte dovuto ad una malattia degenerativa legata alla vecchiaia. [31] The idea for the song "Love can grow at any moment at any place" had come to Paoli while lying on a bed and looking at the purple ceiling. After a few bars Mina grabbed the lyrics sheet and started to sing as if she had known the tune before. Mina (alongside Carmen Villani) pioneered by combining classic Italian pop and swing music with features of blues, R&B and soul music, particularly in the songs "Se stasera sono qui" and "Deborah". La Redazione. Mina - I miti. In 2016 there was quite hype about a second album of Mina and Celentano together: Le Migliori. Che ogni lacrima che hai versato per lei diventi una margherita e che tutte siano il prato dove oggi corre felice la tua bambina. It was hosted by Mina, Walter Chiari and Paolo Panelli. [7] Swingy and anti-melodic in her early years ("Tintarella di luna", 1959), her singing later acquired high dramatic tones. One of the highlights of the series was a selection of Battisti's songs performed in duet with the composer. Maurizio Costanzo and Ghigo De Chiara wrote the lyrics of "Se telefonando" ("If Over the Phone") as the theme for the TV program Aria condizionata in spring 1966. She turned to slow emotional love songs for the first time. Retrieved 21 February 2008. Questa canzone è la storia di un rapporto che si chiude perchè il cancro vince e allontana le persone. Una cosa straordinaria di questo brano è che, pur essendo diverso da ogni altro, dà la impressione al primo ascolto di averlo già sentito in un’altra esperienza di vita, come se fosse una pratica dimostrazione della circolarità, cara a tante filosofie orientali e non solo, Sarebbe stupendo, ma non è così. [62][63][64] Gianni Ferrio's Orchestra featured Gianni Basso on tenor saxophone and Oscar Valdambrini on trumpet.[63]. L’ho cantata a mia moglie, a sorpresa, il giorno del nostro matrimonio…. [88], Sample from the live performance of "La voce del silenzio" ("Silent Voices") from the eighth. Anna Maria Mazzini OMRI (born 25 March 1940), Anna Maria Quaini (for the Swiss civil registry),[2][3] known as Mina Mazzini[4] or simply Mina, is an Italian singer. In late 1959, Matalon had her drop the name Baby Gate in favour of Mina. [12][13][14] Mina's more refined sensual manner was introduced in 1960 with Gino Paoli's ballad "This World We Love In", which charted on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1961. [43] The shows included the brooding songs "Un bacio è troppo poco" ("One Kiss is Not Enough") and "Un anno d'amore" ("A Year of Love"),[44] a cover of Nino Ferrer's "C'est irreparable". Sono d’accordo con la tesi di Francesca (24/07/2015), poiché l’amore di un uomo o di una donna verso la persona amata, che sia l’anima gemella, la madre, il padre, i figli, allo stato latente, nasconde un bisogno inconsapevole d’amore reciproco, nel senso dare-avere, solo Dio è capace di offrirci il Suo sconfinato ed incondizionato Amore, perché libero dalla “pesantezza terrena”, presente in maggiore o minore misura nella limitatezza e povertà dell’Umano. [citation needed], Mina's brother Alfredo Mazzini died in a car accident in 1965. Vorrei tanto ringraziare Franco Battiato di aver donato a tutti una canzone completa che meglio non potrebbe definire ciò che può provare un Essere Umano per un altro. By Mina, a word became the word, a note became the note. Her first single, "Non partir"/"Malatia", was produced under the stage name Mina for the Italian audience. Mina has scored 77 albums and 71 singles on the Italian charts. Her second spouse was Virgilio Crocco, a journalist for Il Messaggero, in 1970. [19] As required in that country, she took on her husband's last name and her legal name became Anna Maria Quaini. Mina's record sales were unaffected and due to public demand, RAI ended the ban. Musica E Dischi. She released an album every year during 1958–2003, and continues to release new albums and singles. "Un colpo al cuore" ended up as #68 on the best-selling singles chart for that year in Italy. Mina was the biggest seller of 1972. Within a year, her affair with Corrado ended. [19] Their daughter Benedetta Mazzini was born on 11 November 1971. She turned his song "Se stasera sono qui" ("If I Stay Here Tonight") into a rigorous piece of soul music[18] in the score of Pino Calvi. Vuole ricucire il rapporto con la … [9][10] She is the only artist to land an album at the top of the Italian charts in each of the six decades from the start of record keeping in 1965. Nella puntata del 13 febbraio di C’è posta per te, in onda su Canale 5, Maria De Filippi ha raccontato la storia di Giovanna. Mina was banned from TV and radio in 1963 because her pregnancy and relationship with a married actor did not accord with the dominant Catholic and bourgeois morals. Mina was the hostess of the series alongside Raffaella Carrà. [51] The concert was recorded and issued as Mina alla Bussola dal vivo. Between 1972 and 1995, she published a double album each year. Si tratta in fondo delle molteplici forme dell’amore, quello vero. [22], The main themes of Mina's songs were distressing love stories. [20] The family moved to work in Cremona in her childhood. grazie. [4], British singer Dusty Springfield referenced Mina in performance.[79]. Il tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. The song "È vero" ("It's True") reached #8 on the Italian charts. He had copied the snippet of melody from the siren of a police car in Marseilles. 2. The duet album Mina Celentano, recorded with Adriano Celentano, was the biggest-selling album of 1998 in Italy. 1998 Mina Celentano. [20] "Niente di niente" ("Nothing at All") was her version of the Delfonics' "Break Your Promise". In 1985, "Questione di feeling", a duet with Riccardo Cocciante, was the 13th biggest-selling single of the year in Italy and became an evergreen (as a hit song is called in Europe). Later, the public called Mina the Queen of the Screamers. Dopo il matrimonio del 10 gennaio 2006 con Eugenio Quaini è diventata, per l'anagrafe elvetica, Mina Anna Quaini-Mazzini.Tale variazione non viene applicata nelle registrazioni anagrafiche italiane. Non so che significato gli abbia attribuito Battiato (o -meglio- da dove e’ scaturita questa poesia). When she turned to light pop tunes, Mina's chart-toppers in West Germany in 1962 and Japan in 1964 earned her the title of the best international artist in these countries. A year later she and her father moved to Lugano, Switzerland. 1997 Leggera. Questo sito utilizza cookie, di prima e di terza parte, per mostrarti pubblicità in linea con le tue preferenze e per misurare le prestazioni di annunci e contenuti pubblicati. Per una donna, per un figlio, per se stessi, per un genitore, per un amico, per questa terra che ci ospita, insomma AMORE. Mina. On 10 January 1964 she returned to the TV screen on the program La fiera dei sogni, and performed the song "Città vuota", a cover of Gene McDaniels' "It's a Lonely Town (Lonely Without You)", which was her first release on the RiFi label. Do il mio consenso affinché un cookie salvi i miei dati (nome, email, sito web) per il prossimo commento. Magari un giorno vi svelerò qualche altra chicca. President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi presented her with the Second Class of the Italian Order of Merit on 1 June 2001. ...quando tu mi spiavi in cima a un batticuore... was seventh on the annual record chart of 1970. Del mio meglio... (My Best...) was second in 1971. Trovo moltissimi richiami alle difficoltà legate a problemi di salute e soprattutto ad una mente che vacilla e inizia a non funzionare più.

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