vladimir vladimirovič nabokov

Pnin Vladimir Nabokov Limited preview - 2011. Výsledkem propojení těchto témat je propracovaná estetika a jistá filozofická hloubka románu. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov è stato uno scrittore, saggista, critico letterario, entomologo, drammaturgo e poeta russo naturalizzato statunitense. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov (rusky Владимир Владимирович Набоков, se narodil 22. dubna (10. dubna podle juliánského kalendáře) 1899 v Sankt Petěrburgu, a zemřel 2. června 1977 v Lausanne. Nabokov was a proponent of individualism, and rejected concepts and ideologies that curtailed individual freedom and expression, such as totalitarianism in its various forms, as well as Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. Werke; Source idsbb. Većinu je svojih djela na ruskom jeziku napisao i objavio u Berlinu … Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov, rus. Photography Subjects. Vladimir Nabokov studoval v Petrohradě na elitní Těniševově škole, kde se naučil dobře anglicky a francouzsky. His final examination result was second-class, and his BA conferred in 1922. 10 April] 1899[a] – 2 July 1977), also known by the pen name Vladimir Sirin (Владимир Сирин), was a Russian-American novelist, poet, translator, and entomologist. V roce 1972 napsal Alexandr Solženicyn (obdržel cenu v roce 1970) dopis švédskému výboru, ve kterém doporučoval nominovat Nabokova na Nobelovu cenu za literaturu. Mar 10, 2012 - Family background Nabokov was born into a wealthy Orthodox Christian family in St. Petersburg on April 22 1899. He detested what he saw as 'general ideas' in novels, and so when teaching Ulysses, for example, he would insist students keep an eye on where the characters were in Dublin (with the aid of a map) rather than teaching the complex Irish history that many critics see as being essential to an understanding of the novel. VLADIMIR NABOKOV (1899 – 1977) Vladimir Nabokov byl původem ruský, později americký spisovatel, básník i prozaik. Many of Nabokov's fans have tried to ascribe literary value to his scientific papers, Gould notes. Stránka byla naposledy editována 15. Gould advocates a third view, holding that the other two positions are examples of the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. The position, created specifically for him, provided an income and free time to write creatively and pursue his lepidoptery. [28]:628ff On translating Lolita, Nabokov writes, "I imagined that in some distant future somebody might produce a Russian version of Lolita. V krymské sbírce Básně a jejich schémata přiřadil Nabokov svým básním grafické náčrtky (včetně šachových úloh a jiných poznámek). [79] Pulitzer Prize winner Jeffrey Eugenides said that "Nabokov has always been and remains one of my favorite writers. Véra acted as "secretary, typist, editor, proofreader, translator and bibliographer; his agent, business manager, legal counsel and chauffeur; his research assistant, teaching assistant and professorial understudy"; when Nabokov attempted to burn unfinished drafts of Lolita, Véra stopped him. Román byl i přesto vydán (nejdříve v Evropě, poté v USA) a rychle přinesl autorovi světovou slávu a finanční zajištění. Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovič. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov nasce a San Pietroburgo il 22 aprile del 1899.La sua era una famiglia abbiente e colta in cui ad essere praticata non era solo la lingua madre, il russo, ma anche e soprattutto l’inglese ed il francese. V roce 1922 se Nabokov vrátil do Berlína a živil se výukou anglického jazyka. Владимир Владимирович Набоков, Sankt Peterburg, 22. travnja 1899. Smeh u tami Akcija! Введение в третье тысячелетие. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov (in russo: Владимир Владимирович ... Mrs Vladimir Nabokov (1999), trad. Do roku 1937 vydal v ruštině osm románů a jeho styl byl čím dál tím více složitější a stále více experimentoval s formou díla. Odrastao je u jednoj od najbogatijih aristokratskih porodica u carskoj Rusiji. ... Zobrazit celý text. New tenement houses and old churches do not interest me. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov in russo Владимир Владимирович Набоков pronunciato [vlʌˈdʲimʲɪr nʌ'bokəf] (Pietroburgo, 23 aprile 1899 – Montreux, 2 luglio 1977) è stato uno scrittore russo naturalizzato statunitense [1].. Scrisse il suo primo libro in russo, ma fu con i suoi romanzi in inglese che raggiunse la notorietà. This lament came in 1941, when Nabokov had been an apprentice American for less than one year. „Dar“ je poslednji roman Vladimira Nabokova napisan na ruskom jeziku. Od roku 1938 do konce svého života nenapsal Nabokov ani jeden román v ruštině (pomineme-li autobiografii Druhý břeh a autorský překlad Lolity). ruského Berlína. Čtenářské recenze (1) Autoři; Kategorie a témata; Bibliografické údaje; Čtenářské recenze . Sbírka Dvě cesty je jedinou knihou Nabokova, kterou nenapsal sám. (překlad G. Barabtarlo, redakce A. Babikov). Ve svých (zejména pozdějších) dílech často využíval parodii a ironii. [16][23][24], In June 1953 Nabokov and his family went to Ashland, Oregon. Elena Nabokova grave.jpg 1 704 × 2 … Among his students at Cornell was future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who later identified Nabokov as a major influence on her development as a writer. [citation needed] Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Michael Chabon listed Lolita and Pale Fire among the "books that, I thought, changed my life when I read them,"[78] and stated that "Nabokov's English combines aching lyricism with dispassionate precision in a way that seems to render every human emotion in all its intensity but never with an ounce of schmaltz or soggy language". Teorii rytmiky Andreje Bělého použil ve své básni Velká Medvědice napsané v září 1918. Největší slávu získal díky svému dílu Lolita. V roce 1922 se Nabokov zasnoubil se Světlanou Zivert, ale již počátkem roku 1923 byly zásnuby rodinou nevěsty zrušeny, protože si Nabokov nemohl najít stálou práci. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov (rus. 2020 v 06:41. Jeho první romány v angličtině (Skutečný život Sebastiana Knighta a Ve znamení levobočka) neměly, nehledě na svou vysokou uměleckou hodnotu, komerční úspěch. Conversely, others have claimed that his scientific work enriched his literary output. [19], The Nabokovs settled in Manhattan and Vladimir began volunteer work as an entomologist at the American Museum of Natural History. Photography. Dopo aver ripercorso le strade della messinscena di una … Poiché in famiglia si parlavano correntemente sia il russo sia l'inglese sia il francese, fin dalla sua più … In a poem he wrote as a teenager in 1917, he described Lenin's Bolsheviks as "grey rag-tag people". 1977).Njegova je obitelj napustila Rusiju 1919; na Cambridgeu je studirao biologiju te književnost. Na tuto cenu byl navrhnut čtyři roky po sobě. His classes were popular, due as much to his unique teaching style as to the wartime interest in all things Russian. Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov[b] (Russian: Владимир Владимирович Набоков [vlɐˈdʲimʲɪr vlɐˈdʲimʲɪrəvʲɪtɕ nɐˈbokəf] (listen); 22 April [O.S. [70] While a student at Cornell in the 1950s, Thomas Pynchon attended several of Nabokov's lectures[71] and alluded to Lolita in chapter six of his novel The Crying of Lot 49 (1966) in which Serge, counter-tenor in the band the Paranoids, sings: It has also been argued that Pynchon's prose style is influenced by Nabokov's preference for actualism over realism. In March 1922, Nabokov's father was fatally shot in Berlin by Russian monarchists Pyotr Shabelsky-Bork and Sergey Taboritsky as he was trying to shield the real target, Pavel Milyukov, a leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party-in-exile. Vydali se do USA posledním dostupným osobním parníkem společnosti Champlain, který si pronajala židovská společnost HIAS, aby zachránila židovské uprchlíky. For example, his short story "The Vane Sisters" is famous in part for its acrostic final paragraph, in which the first letters of each word spell out a message from beyond the grave. Vladimirus Vladimiri f. Nabokov (Russice Владимир Владимирович Набоков, tr. V roce 1937 Nabokovovi odjeli do Francie a usídlili se v Paříži. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov ; natus Petropoli die 10 [22] Aprilis 1899; mortuus Lausonii die 2 Iulii 1977) fuit scriptor mythistoriarum, commentationum, pellicularum, et carminum in … [26] From his sixth-floor quarters he conducted his business and took tours to the Alps, Corsica, and Sicily to hunt butterflies. Nabokov was a classical liberal, in the tradition of his father, a liberal statesman who served in the Provisional Government following the February Revolution of 1917 as a member of the Constitutional Democratic Party. 1899 – Montreux, Švicarska, 2. V současné době jsou považovány za klenoty ruské literatury (především romány Lužinova obrana, Dar a Pozvání na popravu). Figlio di Vladimir Dmitrievič Nabokov, noto politico che finì assassinato, ed Elena Ivanovna Rukavišnikova nacque da una nobile famiglia russa a San Pietroburgo, dove trascorse l'infanzia e la giovinezza in una casa che ora ospita un museo dedicato allo scrittore. Téma románu bylo v té době naprosté tabu, díky čemuž měl Nabokov malé naděje na jeho publikaci. His writings in this area were highly technical. The concept Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovič -- Werke represents the subject, aboutness, idea or notion of resources found in Boston University Libraries. The success of Pnin in the United States would launch Nabokov's career into literary prominence. In 1945, he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. 'Lolita' And Lollipops: What Nabokov Had To Say About Nosh. After the 1917 February Revolution, Nabokov's father became a secretary of the Russian Provisional Government in Saint Petersburg. After the withdrawal of the German Army in November 1918 and the defeat of the White Army (early 1919), the Nabokovs sought exile in western Europe, along with many other Russian refugees. On 1 October 1953, he and his family returned to Ithaca, New York, where he would later teach the young writer Thomas Pynchon. V roce 1963 ho navrhl Robert Adams, v roce 1964 Elizabeth Hill, v roce 1965 Andrew J Chiappe a Frederick Wilcox a v roce 1966 Jacques Guicharnaud. Kadetů). Many of his characters have a distinct "sensory appetite" reminiscent of synesthesia. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov(autor) Lidija Subotin(prevod) Izdavač: L.O.M. Nedlouho po svatbě dokončil svůj první román Mášeňka (1926). Nabokov (rus. He lamented to the critic Edmund Wilson, "I am too old to change Conradically" – which John Updike later called, "itself a jest of genius". 20 March 1964. ŽIVOT . Na podzim 1916 (rok před Říjnovou revolucí) zdědil Nabokov nemovitost v Rožděstvu a milión rublů od matčina strýce Vasilije Ivanoviče Rukavišnikova. [nəbɔ:'kɔf]), Vladimir Vladimirovič (do 1940. pseudonim Vladimir Sirin), ruski i američki književnik (Sankt Peterburg, 22. [28]:xxix–l, At the time of his death, he was working on a novel titled The Original of Laura. He sat the second part of the exam in his fourth year, just after his father's death. Ve skandálním bestselleru Lolita (1955) dochází ke spojení erotiky, milostné prózy, sociálně-kritických pasáží a populárních témat. This and his other novels, particularly Pale Fire (1962), won him a place among the greatest novelists of the 20th century. ŽIVOT. This city also had a Russian émigré community. [9]:24–36, Nabokov's father Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov was the most outspoken defender of Jewish rights in the Russian Empire, continuing in a family tradition that had been led by his own father, Dmitry Nabokov, who as Justice Minister under Tsar Alexander II had successfully blocked anti-semitic measures from being passed by the Interior Minister. Mostra altri risultati Nascondi altri risultati su Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovič (1) Mostra Tutti. In the hands of a harmful drudge, the Russian version of Lolita would be entirely degraded and botched by vulgar paraphrases or blunders. Владимир Владимирович Набоков, Petrograd, 22. travnja 1899.- Montreux, 2. srpnja 1977.) 12. The Russian literary critic Yuly Aykhenvald was an early admirer of Nabokov, citing in particular his ability to imbue objects with life: "he saturates trivial things with life, sense and psychology and gives a mind to objects; his refined senses notice colorations and nuances, smells and sounds, and everything acquires an unexpected meaning and truth under his gaze and through his words. Through his father's German ancestry, Nabokov was related to the composer Carl Heinrich Graun (1704–1759).[12]. Už menej ľudí ho pozná ako entomológa , ktorý spolupracoval a osobne sa poznal s mnohými významnými entomológmi sveta. V roce 1919 emigrovala celá rodina z Ruska. Nabokov byl ruský a později americký prozaik; svou ranou prózu a poezii psal pod pseudonymem Sirin. In 1936, Véra lost her job because of the increasingly anti-Semitic environment. Jeho nejdelší román ADA or Ardor: A Family Chronicle (McGraw-Hill 1969) se odehrává na úplně jiné planetě. Tra un lockdown e l’altro abbiamo intervistato Mathew Lee Cothran, aka Elvis Depressedly, in uscita con il nuovo … Na této univerzitě Nabokov založil Slovanský spolek, ze kterého později vznikl Ruský spolek Univerzity v Cambridgi. [11] His cousins included the composer Nicolas Nabokov. Nabokov became an American citizen in 1945, but he and his wife returned to Europe in 1961, settling in Montreux, Switzerland. směru Umberto Eco (* 5. Často se zabýval problematikou odcizení a problémy ruských politických a intelektuálních emigrantů. Prikazani svi od ukupno 4 rezultata. Vladimirs Nabokovs. Vladimirus Vladimiri f. Nabokov (Russice Владимир Владимирович Набоков, tr. In September 1942 they moved to Cambridge, where they lived until June 1948. 1 Život; 2 Dílo; 3 Bibliografie. „Dar“ je poslednji roman Vladimira Nabokova napisan na ruskom jeziku. Ναμπόκοφ Β. In 1916, Nabokov inherited the estate Rozhdestveno, next to Vyra, from his uncle Vasily Ivanovich Rukavishnikov ("Uncle Ruka" in Speak, Memory). Vladimir was not forced to attend church after he lost interest. [40], Nabokov was a self-described synesthete, who at a young age equated the number five with the colour red. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov : Prevod: ISBN: 978-86-6457-327-6 : Format: 20 cm : Strana: 477 Povez: Tvrd povez : Izdavač: Dereta : Godina: 2020. Poslední, nedokončený román Laura a její originál vyšel v angličtině v listopadu 2009. He never sinks to the depths of my solecisms, but neither does he scale my verbal peaks. In another of his short stories, "Signs and Symbols" (1958), Nabokov creates a character suffering from an imaginary illness called "Referential Mania," in which the afflicted is faced with a world of environmental objects exchanging coded messages.[36]. In 1961 he and Véra moved to the Montreux Palace Hotel in Montreux, Switzerland; he stayed there until the end of his life. The Nabokovs resided in Wellesley, Massachusetts, during the 1941–42 academic year. They discovered that Dmitri shared the trait, and moreover that the colours he associated with some letters were in some cases blends of his parents' hues—"which is as if genes were painting in aquarelle". Nabokov was born on 22 April 1899 (10 April 1899 Old Style) in Saint Petersburg to a wealthy and prominent family of the Russian nobility. Mimo vlastní literární činnosti se věnoval překladům, kdy se soustředil především na díla Heineho, Lermontova a Puškina, Sergej Vladimirovič Nabokov, Kirill Vladimirovič Nabokov a Jelena Vladimirovna Nabokovová, https://cs.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vladimir_Vladimirovič_Nabokov&oldid=19264384, Monitoring:Články s odkazem na autoritní záznam, licencí Creative Commons Uveďte autora – Zachovejte licenci. [49][50] In Speak, Memory, Nabokov proudly recounted his father's campaigns against despotism and staunch opposition to capital punishment. Vybírejte z 10 knih v internetovém knihkupectví Megaknihy.cz. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov è stato uno scrittore, saggista, critico letterario, entomologo, drammaturgo e poeta russo naturalizzato statunitense. Nabokov se vrátil do Evropy v roce 1960 a bydlel v Montreux ve Švýcarsku, kde psal své poslední romány. V roce 1936 byla Nabokovova žena propuštěna z práce v důsledku narůstající antisemitské propagandy v Německu. Giunto alla notorietà con il romanzo Lolita, che lo pose al centro dell'attenzione della critica internazionale, Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovic è noto come uno dei più perfetti scrittori moderni sia nella lingua materna, sia in inglese. The Resource Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovič -- Werke Label Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovič -- Werke Focus. Владимир Сирин (* 22. apríl 1899, Petrohrad, Ruské impérium – † 2. júl 1977, Montreux, Švajčiarsko) bol americký spisovateľ a literárny kritik ruského pôvodu. Wladimir Nabokow. Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovič -- Werke Resource Information The concept Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovič -- Werke represents the subject, aboutness, idea or notion of resources found in Boston University Libraries . His paternal grandfather, Dmitry Nabokov (1827–1904), was Russia's Justice Minister during the reign of Alexander II. Sometimes, controversial works of art lose their magic with time. Babička z otcovy strany, baronka Maria Ferdinandovna von Korf (1842–1926), byla dcerou barona Ferdinanda Nikolaje Viktora von Korf (1805–1869), německého generála ruské armády. His family traced its roots to the 14th-century Tatar prince Nabok Murza, who entered into the service of the Tsars, and from whom the family name is derived. "A writer who truly and greatly sustains us is Vladimir Nabokov," Hawkes stated in a 1964 interview. He died on 2 July 1977 in Montreux. Sirin is referenced as a different émigré author in his memoir and is also referenced in Pnin. Literárněhistorický kontext Autor: Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov(1899–1977) -psal ruskou a anglickou prózu a poezii, překládal zařazení autora do uměleckého směru Postmoderna, též postmodernismus určení století, v němž autor tvořil 2. polovina 20. století určení dalších autorů stejného um. Vladimir Nabokov se narodil 10. Pnin Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov Snippet view - 1957. He lived within the lively Russian community of Berlin that was more or less self-sufficient, staying on after it had disintegrated because he had nowhere else to go to. [25], After the great financial success of Lolita, Nabokov returned to Europe and devoted himself to writing. He wrote in both Russian and English, and his best works, including Lolita (1955), feature stylish, intricate literary effects. Nabokov was also an expert lepidopterist and composer of chess problems. Některé rodinné poklady si rodina vzala s sebou a z peněz získaných jejich prodejem žila v Berlíně. "[32][65] But after rereading Austen's Mansfield Park he changed his mind and taught it in his literature course; he also praised Mary McCarthy's work. This, combined with his specialty in the relatively unspectacular tribe Polyommatini of the family Lycaenidae, has left this facet of his life little explored by most admirers of his literary works. WorldCat record id: 210012737. That family strain would continue in Vladimir Nabokov, who fiercely denounced anti-semitism in his writings, and in the 1930s Nabokov was able to escape Hitler's Germany only with the help of Russian Jewish émigrés who still had grateful memories of his family's defense of Jews in Tsarist times. [27] His remains were cremated and buried at the Clarens cemetery in Montreux. Cyril Vladimirovič Nabokov (1912–1964) – básník, kmotřenec svého bratra Vladimira. For his father, the politician, see, Russian-American novelist, lepidopterist, professor, Confusion over his birth date was generated by some people misunderstanding the relationship between the, Collected by Fredson Bowers in 1980 and published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Martin, Patrick. [41] Aspects of synesthesia can be found in several of his works. Žil v Německu, Francii a pak před válkou utekl do USA. Říjnová revoluce donutila rodinu Nabokovových přestěhovat se na Krym, kde se Vladimiru dostalo prvního literárního úspěchu. Though his work was not taken seriously by professional lepidopterists during his life, new genetic research supports Nabokov's hypothesis that a group of butterfly species, called the Polyommatus blues, came to the New World over the Bering Strait in five waves, eventually reaching Chile.[48]. Outrageous Openness. 957 East State St Ithaca NY NabokovHome1953.jpg 1 296 × 968; 719 kB. Ahoj, román Lolita (1955) patří do "top ten" z povinné četby. СПб. Fin dalla tenera infanzia visse da solo con la madre Fernanda Nardi, insegnante di letteratura [...] . Jedná se o schéma polopřízvuků, jež opakují formu tohoto souhvězdí. It stemmed from his observation that while Pushkin's iambic tetrameters had been a part of Russian literature for a fairly short two centuries, they were clearly understood by the Russian prosodists. Olga Vladimirovna Nabokovova (1903–1978) – v prvním manželství Šachovská, ve druhém manželství Petkevič. V roce 1925 se Nabokov oženil s Věrou Slonimovou, která pocházela z rusko-židovské rodiny z Petrohradu. - Montreux, 2. srpnja 1977. Unfortunately, Russians today have completely lost their ability to kill tyrants. První roky svého života strávil Nabokov v pohodlí a blahobytu domu rodičů na ulici Bolšoj Morskoj v Petrohradu a na venkovském sídle Vyra v Gatčinské oblasti nedaleko Petrohradu. Jedná se o vyprávění o dospělém muži, který se vášnivě zamiloval do dvanáctileté dívky. Rather than assuming that either side of Nabokov's work caused or stimulated the other, Gould proposes that both stemmed from Nabokov's love of detail, contemplation, and symmetry. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov, rusky: Владимир Владимирович Набоков, (10. dubna jul. ital. Když Nabokov cestoval po Spojených státech, začal pracovat na svém románu Lolita. Babička z matčiny strany, Olga Nikolajevna Rukavišnikovová (rozená Kozlovová; 1845–1901),  byla dcerou tajemníka Nikolaje Illarionoviče Kozlova (1814–1889), který pocházel z kupeckého rodu a stal se lékařem, biologem, profesorem a ředitelem imperátorské lékařské akademie a stál v čele lékařské služby ruské armády. Transliteration Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov, Aussprache [vlɐˈdʲimʲɪr vlɐˈdʲimʲɪrəˌvit͡ʃ nɐˈbokəf]; * 10. jul. Nabokov was born on 22 April 1899 (10 April 1899 Old Style) in Saint Petersburg[a] to a wealthy and prominent family of the Russian nobility. L’obiettivo del mio studio è un’approfondita analisi dei metodi traduttivi di Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov, novellista, saggista, critico letterario, poeta, drammaturgo, traduttore, senonché uno degli scrittori più famosi, talentuosi e creativi del Véra and Dmitri, who were entrusted with Nabokov's literary executorship,[16] ignored Nabokov’s request to burn the incomplete manuscript and published it in 2009.[29][30][31]. Nabokov published under the pseudonym "Vladimir Sirin" in the 1920s to 1940s, occasionally to mask his identity from critics. Ve Spojených státech si Nabokov mezi roky 1940–1958 vydělával na živobytí jako učitel ruské a světové literatury na univerzitách. [21] After being encouraged by Morris Bishop, Nabokov left Wellesley in 1948 to teach Russian and European literature at Cornell University, where he taught until 1959. di Luca Scarlini, Roma: Fandango, 2003 (biografia della moglie) Gabriella Schiaffino, I romanzi russi di Nabokov, Milano: Arcipelago, 2004 ISBN 88-7695-275-6; Gregor von Rezzori, Uno straniero nella terra di Lolita, introduzione di Zadie Smith, tr. V. D. Nabokov se pokusil zabránit atentátu černosotněnce na Miljukova, ale byl zastřelen jeho spolupachatelem. / 22. dubna 1899 greg. John J. Enck and John Hawkes," Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 6.2 (summer 1965): 144. [35] He also makes cameo appearances in some of his novels, such as the character "Vivian Darkbloom" (an anagram of "Vladimir Nabokov"), who appears in both Lolita and Ada, or Ardor, and the character Blavdak Vinomori (another anagram of Nabokov's name) in King, Queen, Knave. Vladimiras Nabokovas. Páginas na categoria "Vladimir Nabokov" Esta categoria só contém a seguinte página. He described the Karner blue. / 22. dubna 1899 greg. "[47] The rest of his collection, about 4,300 specimens, was given to the Lausanne's Museum of Zoology in Switzerland. Sergej Vladimirovič Nabokov (1900–1945) – překladatel, novinář, zemřel v koncentračním táboře Neuengamme. Nabokov featured this mistaken, violent death repeatedly in his fiction, where characters would meet their deaths under accidental terms. Jak říkal sám spisovatel, číst anglicky uměl dříve než rusky. 1,199.00 RSD 990.00 RSD Dodaj u korpu; Dar Akcija! Физиология Сверхчеловека. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov nasce a San Pietroburgo il 22 aprile del 1899. L'opera più conosciuta di Nabokov è sicuramente il romanzo Lolita del 1955, spesso citato come uno dei più importanti testi … In The Defense, Nabokov mentioned briefly how the main character's father, a writer, found he was unable to complete a novel that he planned to write, becoming lost in the fabricated storyline by "starting with colors". While the family was nominally Orthodox, it had little religious fervor. Following a lecture tour through the United States, Nabokov returned to Wellesley for the 1944–45 academic year as a lecturer in Russian. In May 1940, the Nabokovs fled the advancing German troops, reaching the United States via the SS Champlain. Βλαντιμίρ Ναμπόκοφ . Román byl poprvé vydán v nakladatelství Olympia Press a jak sám Nabokov později pochopil, toto nakladatelství vydávalo zejména na půl pornografické a k tomuto žánru blízké romány. – Nacque a Susa, in Tunisia, l’8 marzo 1933. [60], Nabokov was a notorious, lifelong insomniac who admitted unease at the prospect of sleep, famously stating that "the night is always a giant". "[34], Nabokov's creative processes involved writing sections of text on hundreds of index cards, which he expanded into paragraphs and chapters and rearranged to form the structure of his novels, a process that has been adopted by many screenplay writers in subsequent years.[26]. Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovič ; Sub Focus. Ναμπόκοβ Βλαντιμίρ 1899-1977. He called her the best-humored woman he had ever known. VII. To supplement his scant writing income, he taught languages and gave tennis and boxing lessons. From the description of Vladimir Nabokov papers, 1918-1987 bulk (1934-1975) [microform]. The paleontologist and essayist Stephen Jay Gould discussed Nabokov's lepidoptery in his essay, "No Science Without Fancy, No Art Without Facts: The Lepidoptery of Vladimir Nabokov" (reprinted in I Have Landed). Největší slávu získal díky svému dílu Lolita. [82], Nabokov appears in W. G. Sebald's 1993 novel The Emigrants.[83]. View all » Common terms and phrases. [38] In 2010, Kitsch magazine, a student publication at Cornell, published a piece that focused on student reflections on his lectures and also explored Nabokov's long relationship with Playboy. Nabokov is noted for his complex plots, clever word play, daring metaphors, and prose style capable of both parody and intense lyricism. The family spoke Russian, English, and French in their household, and Nabokov was trilingual from an early age. In Bend Sinister Krug comments on his perception of the word "loyalty" as being like a golden fork lying out in the sun. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov (rus. [disputed – discuss]. Nabokov's fiction is characterized by linguistic playfulness. It is not improbable that had there been no revolution in Russia, I would have devoted myself entirely to lepidopterology and never written any novels at all."[26]. V té době Vladimir studoval na Univerzitě v Cambridgi (Trinity college), kde i nadále psal ruské básně a přeložil do ruštiny Alenku v říši divů Lewise Carrolla. Saved from russiapedia.rt.com. Jeho díla byla publikována v časopise Jaltský hlas a ve svých inscenacích se jimi nechaly inspirovat místní divadelní spolky, které na Krym utekly před hrozbami revoluce. In 1937, he left Germany for France, where he had a short affair with Irina Guadanini, also a Russian émigrée. Dědeček z matčiny strany, Ivan Vasiljevič Rukavišnikov (1843–1901), byl obchodník se zlatem a mecenáš. Vladimir Vladimirovič Nabokov, rusky: Владимир Владимирович Набоков, (10. dubna / 22. dubna 1899 Petrohrad, Rusko – 2. července 1977 Montreux, Švýcarsko), byl ruský a později americký prozaik; svou ranou prózu a poezii psal pod pseudonymem Sirin. Владимир Сирин (* 22. apríl 1899, Petrohrad, Ruské impérium – † 2. júl 1977, Montreux, Švajčiarsko) bol americký spisovateľ a literárny kritik ruského pôvodu. Nabokov stayed in Berlin, where he had become a recognised poet and writer in Russian within the émigré community; he published under the nom de plume V. Sirin (a reference to the fabulous bird of Russian folklore). [63] Insomnia's impact on his work was widely explored and in 2017 Princeton University Press published a compilation of his dream diary entries, Insomniac Dreams: Experiments with Time by Vladimir Nabokov.

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