gran teatre del liceu visita

Languages: English and spanish and audio guide available in 8 languages. The guided tour and the express tour are the most popular options, but there’s also the possibility of booking onto a tour with a recital included and a tour of the stage and backstage. El Liceu es pot visitar sense haver d'assistir a un concert. Visita al Liceu (durada 45 minuts) Duration: 25 minutes. Times of the tours: From Monday to Friday from 11.30 to 18.30 and saturday, sunday and public holidays from 09.30 to 18.30. Even so, as the Teatre del Liceu was more innovative and had a better economic power behind it, it ended up dominating the Teatre Principal. Individual 25€ Ara és un teatre de titularitat pública administrat per la Fundació del Gran Teatre del Liceu. The Gran Teatre del Liceu was built in 1847 and is a unique cultural facility in Barcelona and one of Europe's leading opera houses. Cal que vagin acompanyats per algun familiar. Foyer of Gran Teatre del Liceu, named Saló dels Miralls (Mirrors Hall), preserved from the 1994 fire. Recorregut amb guia de BGB des del Liceu fins al Palau (durada 45 minuts) Visita rere l'Escenari, Camerinos, Sales d'assaig, Sastreria i Sala de caracterizació del Gran Teatre del Liceu 'Visita Liceu Secret' *Suspès* Grups (10 pers.) Además, el Gran Teatre del Liceu nos permite visitar los espacios más representativos y disfrutar de los detalles y la magnificencia de su arquitectura. The auditorium was rebuilt after the 1994 fire; it is a faithful recreation of the 1861 auditorium, with some improvements. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes. 93 485 99 00 Si continuas navegando, aceptas su uso. Il Gran Teatre del Liceu di Barcellona (conosciuto anche in italiano come Teatro del Liceo) è un teatro unico nel suo genere ed è una vera icona della musica e dell’arte sia a Barcellona che nel mondo.In questo teatro sono state rappresentate le opere più importanti e vi hanno recitato i miglior cantanti lirici di ogni epoca. € Price: €18.00. Visitas al Gran Teatro del Liceu Las visitas que se realizan al Gran Teatro del Liceo son por la mañana, para que no interfiera en la organización de las representaciones, que tienen lugar durante la tarde y noche. Esta web utiliza cookies operativas propias que tienen una finalidad meramente funcional y cookies de terceros (como por ejemplo Analytics y Adsense) que permiten conocer tus hábitos de navegación con el objetivo de ofrecerte mejores servicios de información. Al Teatre-Auditori Sant Cugat. Das Gran Teatre del Liceu ist das größte Opernhaus der katalanischen Hauptstadt Barcelona und liegt an den Rambles im Zentrum der Stadt. Al Teatre-Auditori Sant Cugat. Languages: English, Spanish, French and Catalan. For groups of more than 25 people they will take advance reservations. IT DANSA . The Gran Teatre del Liceu (the Great Theatre of the Lyceum in English) is a unique theatre, and a true icon of music and art, both in Barcelona and at an international level. Page Transparency See More. Gran Teatre del Liceu Mesures Covid-19: es suspenen totes les sessions a partir del dia 30 d'octubre. The number of places available for this visit is fairly limited, so it’s therefore necessary to make your reservation in advance. The Express Visit includes the same spaces as the guided tour, with the exception of the Cercle del Liceu, but for this tour it can’t be guaranteed that the lights will be on in the theatre itself. Page Transparency See More. Visita guiada a la Sala, Vestíbul, Saló dels Miralls i Foyer del Gran Teatre del Liceu *Suspès* Activitat suspesa deguta a l'estat d'alarma generat per la COVID-19. Palace of la Virreina, The best transport pass and tourist cards, irBarcelona, your Barcelona tourist guide, Gran Teatre del Liceu of Barcelona (Lyceum Theatre). Un del símbols de la ciutat. El Gran Teatre del Liceu, creat el 1847 a la Rambla de Barcelona, és un teatre d'òpera que ha mantin... See More. El Gran Teatre del Liceu, creat el 1847 a la Rambla de Barcelona, és un teatre d'òpera que ha mantingut al llarg dels anys la seva funció de centre cultural i artístic. Travel Cards. Tours: La información sobre los horarios se ofrecen más arriba. Languages: on request. Menors de 10 anys Gratuït. Visita al Palau de la Música Catalana (durada 45 minuts). 60,645 people like this. For the rest of the tours you can purchase tickets online, or on the day itself at the box office next to the main entrance. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand … About See All +34 934 85 99 00., Güell Palace Visita guiada Gran Teatre del Liceu Times of the tours: at 10:00. Barcelona’s famous and historic buildings, Copyright © 2011 -2021 All rights reserved. The rebuilt Liceu … The Liceu, situated midway along the city’s busy La Rambla, was founded in 1847 by the former Sociedad Dramática de Aficionados (Society of Theatre-Lovers) and funded by the sale of private shares … Gran Teatre del Liceu divendres, 7/05/2021 20:00h Els menors de 16 anys només podran accedir al recinte acompanyats del seu pare, mare o tutor legal EXHAURIDES. * For technical or artistic reasons it’s possible than some of the planned tours cannot take place on occasions. It has a magnificent acoustic, and is used for all sorts of conferences and audio-visual presentations. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand … Google Street View. Community See All. Rehearsal Room. The guided tour lasts approximately 50 minutes, and you will get to see the most important spaces, complete with more information from your guide. During this tour you’ll visit the stage and the different areas, such as the rehearsal room, the wardrobe room, the make-up room, dressing rooms and other backstage facilities. El siguiente punto de la visita es el Salón de los Espejos, que durante muchos años ha sido lugar de encuentro de la burguesía catalana, y actualmente acoge públicos de toda clase y condición. El repertorio operístico de esta temporada ofrece obras tan destacadas como Otelo, de la mano del reconocido director Gustavo Dudamel, … El Liceu va patir un incendi l'any 1994, i va ser reformat en gran part, i va tornar a obrir de nou en 1999. La meva visita al Gran Teatre del Liceu En aquesta història aprendré com accedir al Gran Teatre del Liceu. Community See All. € General Admission: €16.00. 60,646 people like this. After this fire the theatre became publicly owned for the first time, and after five years of restoration the theatre was re-opened in 1999. For these visits, which always require advance reservation, you will need to call the theatre on +34 93 485 99 31, email or call in to the box office, which is located on La Rambla next to the main entrance. On the day of the tour, the meeting point is next to the main foyer, 15 minutes before the tour starts. Each month a series of guided tours is organised that allows you to see some of the theatre’s spaces that can’t be seen during the standard guided tour. The external structure of the building is the same as the original, but its interior had to be completely refurbished, as the effects of the fire were so devastating. Times of the tours: 09:15 (days to consult). Performance & Event Venue. 78,887 check-ins. € Free entry: children under the age of 7. Con la sala en forma de herradura más grande de Europa y la segunda más grande del mundo, el Liceu es un espacio de creación artística de obligada visita. La Boqueria Market El Gran Teatre del Liceu, creat el 1847 a la Rambla de Barcelona, és un teatre d'òpera que ha mantin... See More. lustració en una experiència musicovisual immersiva per als més petits. Visita guiada + Cercle del Liceu: Durada 50 minuts, en anglès o espanyol. Its name comes from the huge amount of mirrors that adorn the room, along with many ceiling paintings and references to art. Officially known by its Catalan name of ‘Saló dels Miralls’, this is the hall where people go in the intervals of concerts. Puedes cambiar la configuración, desactivarlas u obtener más información. Performances: consult the official website to find information about ticket prices. 64,688 people follow this. It has a seat capacity of 2,292, making it one of the largest opera houses in Europe. Més informació You could pay anything from €10 for the cheapest seats to €300 for the best seats in the house. Obras de teatro: depende de la obra y de la sala. The Liceu. lustració en una experiència musicovisual immersiva per als més petits. Inici de la visita al Vestíbul del Liceu Jubilats 20€ La Capella COMPRA ARA Del 24 d'octubre al 8 de novembre de 2020 €12 disabled and student card. This is the guided tour, but with a recital organised at the end, in the Hall of Mirrors. Im Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona haben bereits Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, Montserrat Caballé und viele weitere Größen der klassischen Musik einen unvergesslichen Eindruck hinterlassen. Well-known opera arias is performed. Cose da sapere sul Teatro del Liceo di Barcellona 64,687 people follow this. € Entry price: €6.00. Els abonaments fixes ja no són a la venda a causa de les reubicacions de butaques per fer del Liceu un espai segur per a tots els abonats i públic general. 10h Le Gran Teatre del Liceu a été édifié sur la Rambla par la bourgeoisie de Barcelone sur le terrain d'un ancien couvent. Coneixeré algunes persones que m’ajudaran i algunes de les coses que podré fer quan estigui a dintre. Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes. € Concessions: €5.00. The Gran Teatre del Liceu opens its facilities for the first time to access Internet users around the world thanks to the collaboration of Google and the Generalitat de Catalunya. 93 485 99 00, El Liceu participa en el projecte Padicat. There’s a wide range of prices, which vary greatly according to the work, where you’d like to sit and when you buy your tickets. 08002 BarcelonaCom arribarTel. Plaça Reial (Royal Square) Although the best way to get to know the Liceu building is to go on one of the guided tours, in which the history of the theatre is explained, as well as being able to hear some interesting anecdotes, the best way to actually enjoy what the theatre has to offer is to go to one of the many opera or dance performances. IT DANSA . El Gran Teatre del Liceu és un dels teatres d’òpera més importants del món. With a capacity of 2,294 people, the current theatre is an exact replica of the original. Languages: English, Spanish and Catalan. The tours that the Gran Teatre del Liceu offers take place in the mornings, so that they don’t clash with rehearsals and concerts, which occupy the theatre in the afternoons and evenings. A més, el Gran Teatre del Liceu ens permet visitar-ne els espais més representatius, tot gaudint dels detalls i la magnificència de la seva arquitectura. DÚO DINÁMICO Gran Teatre del Liceu dijous, 17/06/2021 20:30h Comprar entrades. 08002 Barcelona Com arribar Tel. Visita guiada. Fundat al 1847 és viu testimoni de la vida social, artística, política i … 64,673 people follow this. Vaig al Gran Teatre del Liceu El Gran Teatre del Liceu és un teatre on s’hi representen funcions d’òpera, de dansa, concerts i espectacles per a famílies. En el capítulo 11 de "GoBcn Diaries" os mostramos la historia y leyendas del Gran Teatre del Liceu, el referente más importante de la ópera en Barcelona. 78,885 check-ins. Duration: 50 minutes. 60,656 people like this. This famous Barcelonan opera house was constructed in 1847 on La Rambla, during a fire in 1994 the auditorium and stage were completely destroyed and the Liceu was reconstructed. All of the most well known operas have been performed there, and the best-known opera singers from each era have sung there. Page Transparency See More. Times of the tours: From Monday to Friday at 09:30 and 10:30. € Concessions: €14 for senior citizens over the age of 65 and for children between 7 and 16. El Gran Teatre del Liceu, creat el 1847 a la Rambla de Barcelona, és un teatre d'òpera que ha mantin... See More. Fundado en 1847 es un vivo testimonio de la vida social, artística, política y económica de la ciudad de Barcelona a lo largo del tiempo. Of sheer beauty, the historic foyer has a series of columns inspired by the Renaissance, and a marble floor with black and white diamonds that give a very elegant feel to the space. Pausa a la cafeteria del Palau (durada 15 minuts) Acte suspès The Gran Teatre del Liceu (the Great Theatre of the Lyceum in English) is a unique theatre, and a true icon of music and art, both in Barcelona and at an international level. Located on the Rambla, every year it hosts major opera and ballet productions and symphony concerts. Amb aquesta opció també es pot visitar al Cercle del Liceu, un club privat i un dels exemples més importants de l’art nouveau català i espanyol. Advance booking is essential, and this option is only available to groups of between 40 and 240 people. Durante la visita al Gran Teatre del Liceu, una guida accompagna i visitatori, in un percorso che attraversa l’atrio d’ingresso, la scalinata, l’imponente Salone degli Specchi e l’impressionante Sala dei Concerti, spiegando la storia e fornendo dei dati interessanti sul teatro. lustres personatges que les han visitades i com les vivències del públic han acabat teixint la història de l’òpera, el cant coral i la clàssica a Barcelona. Visita Virtual. … Gleichzeitig ist das 1847 eröffnete Opernhaus der zweitgrößte Veranstalter von Wagner-Festspielen – direkt hinter den Bayreuther Festspielen. Community See All. Performance & Event Venue. Hanging from its roof is an enormous light, designed by the artist Perejaume. La Rambla, 51-59. is one of the most pleasant surprises that a trip to the Liceu has to offer. About See All +34 934 85 99 00. En el moment que tornin a estar a la venda ho informarem puntualment. If you’re interested in seeing inside one of Europe’s grand opera houses, reportedly one of the continent’s largest, consider visiting Barcelona’s Gran Teatre del Liceu. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand … El Gran Teatre del Liceu es uno de los teatros de ópera más importantes del mundo. The area called ‘El Foyer’ isn’t actually the foyer of the theatre, but in fact a modern audiovisual space underneath the theatre itself. Destaquen la Sala Gran, el Foyer i el Saló dels Miralls, així com el Cercle del Liceu. All of the most well known operas have been performed there, and the best-known opera singers from each era have sung there. Regístrate a nuestra newsletter para estar informado con antelación de toda la agenda del Liceu Apoya al Liceu La Rambla, 51-59. El Gran Teatre del Liceu, símbolo de Barcelona y uno de los teatros clásicos de ópera más espectaculares del mundo, arranca la nueva temporada 2020-2021 con un ambicioso programa adaptado a las medidas y la situación actual. These areas include the historic foyer, the theatre itself, the Hall of Mirrors and the ‘Cercle del Liceu’. Much has happened over its nearly 200 years of history, and it has been through all kinds of events, from great operatic premieres to tragic moments in history, such as the attack of 1893 carried out by members of an anarchist movement, and the two fires that the theatre suffered, the latter of which was in 1994. Viatjarem de platea a platea, visitant l’interior dels dos grans temples, redescobrint la melodia de La Rambla i resseguint els ecos del Gòtic en una visita guiada que és un cant a la ciutat. 78,907 check-ins. A member of the theatre’s team will accompany the group throughout the visit. Dressing Room. About See All +34 934 85 99 00. The building was destroyed by fire in 1994 and reopened in 1999 after a magnificent reconstruction. Destacan la Sala Gran, el Foyer y el Saló dels Miralls I (Salón de los Espejos), así como el Cercle del Liceu. Built in 1847, its first years in business weren’t easy, as it had to compete with the Teatre Principal, which was much older and already had a great reputation. There are various visits, some guided and some not, in which you can see the different spaces within the theatre. Visitas: the prices of all the tours are shown above. Performance & Event Venue. Tour exprés amb audioguia: Durada 45 minuts. El Gran Teatre del Liceu, creat el 1847 a la Rambla de Barcelona, és un teatre d'òpera que ha mantingut al llarg dels anys la seva funció de centre cultural i … The Gran Teatre del Liceu was built on … Il s'agissait d'accueillir le conservatoire de musique et, par-dessus tout, de créer un espace où la haute société pourrait voir et écouter l'opéra, le produit culturel étoile du moment. L’Orquestra Simfònica del Gran Teatre del Liceu és la degana de les orquestres de l’Estat espanyol. La visita finaliza en el Círculo del Liceu, un club privado de estilo inglés fundado en 1847, que comparte edificio con el Liceu. The visit to the modernist facilities of this private members’ club within the LiceuThe visit to the modernist facilities of this private members’ club within the Liceu is one of the most pleasant surprises that a trip to the Liceu has to offer. La gran diva torna al Liceu en un dels raríssims recitals a piano. 19€

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