star trek vulcaniana

[citation needed], In Star Trek, the IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations) has become a symbol of Vulcan equality philosophy. Basato sullo studio del prof. K.V. Even though the Vulcans and humans didn't always agree, they did always end up working together for the greater good. There were so many other situations, but that's just a taste. Traduzione, riscrittura e adattamento in italiano di Dario Giansanti. I vulcaniani non fanno congetture. During these events, the Kir'Shara, a device containing the original writings of Surak, was discovered by Jonathan Archer. In the 1st pilot episode, "The Cage", Spock showed much more emotion. Almost all of modern Vulcan culture is based on the teachings of one man: Surak. The brash James T. Kirk tries to live up to his father's legacy with Mr. Spock keeping him in check as a vengeful Romulan from the future creates black holes to destroy the Federation one planet at a time. In the TOS episode "This Side of Paradise" Spock is asked if he has another name, to which he replies, "You couldn't pronounce it.". For the documentary film, see, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode? While most Vulcan marriages are arranged in childhood, adult Vulcans who have no mates may also declare the "koon-ut-so-lik", the ritual Vulcan marriage proposal. On August 12, 2161, Vulcan became one of the founding members of the United Federation of Planets. Almost all vulcan nerve pinches from Spock, Leonard Nimoy....Quasi tutte le prese vulcaniane di Spock nella serie classica As reported by Inside Star Trek editor Ruth Berman, "ardent rock hound and amateur lapidary" Roddenberry came up with the Vulcan philosophy after he presented Leonard Nimoy with a unique hand-crafted piece of jewelry, a pendant of a polished yellow gold circle and a florentined white gold triangle with a stone of brilliant white fabulite — an artificial gem "developed by the laser industry and used in space mechanisms for its optical qualities", and thus well-suited as a gift for an actor in a science fiction show. Many Vulcans consider this philosopher and scientist as the greatest man who ever lived. A detta di T'Pol, i Vulcaniani si sono evoluti sul pianeta Vulcano (ENT: La fornace); un secolo dopo, il Comandante Spock afferma invece che il pianeta Vulcano fu colonizzato circa 600.000 anni prima da una specie da cui essi discendono (TOS: Ritorno al domani). In the alternate timeline of the 2009 film, the planet Vulcan is destroyed in 2258 by the Romulan known as Nero, who had time traveled from the future. By the 32nd century, Ambassador Spock's dream of Vulcan/Romulan reunification has been achieved. For the 2nd pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before", Number One - Spock's superior officer, who showed little emotion - was removed, and it was decided that Spock would take on those traits. The ENT Season 4 trilogy of episodes ("The Forge", "Awakening", and "Kir'Shara") reveal some of the history of mind-melding and the journey of the katra of Surak to modern times. (It is clear from the context of the book, however, that the memo was intended as a joke, as the series of memos ends up discussing the pronunciation of such names as "Spook", "Spilk" and "Spork". T'Pol (Jolene Blalock) - Star Trek: Enterprise (September 26, 2001 – May 13, 2005) Saved by Will Hoover (will5967) 676. [32] Mind melds can also allow more than one mind to experience memories and sensations, and sometimes even interact with the memories. As the first Vulcan in Starfleet, she changed the course of human/Vulcan relations forever. [51] They appeared to participate in open acts of persecution towards other Vulcans, such as isolating and quarantining victims of Pa'nar Syndrome rather than treating them; prejudicial acts against any Vulcan proven to have committed a mind meld; and hunting down and capturing, sometimes killing, members of the underground dissident group, the Syrranites. Sep 26, 2017 - Sci-Fi Space Ships Charts Millenium Falcon Klingon Empire Raptor Class SS Kobayashi Maru USS Enterprise Romulan Star Empire Shuttle Excelsior … Caucasoid actors portraying Vulcans are given a greenish hue to their skin. Jonathan Archer and Jean-Luc Picard both use the technique after becoming involved in Vulcan telepathic rituals (Archer holding the katra of Surak, Picard having undergone a mind-meld with Sarek). It is acceptable for a male to "release" his mate from marriage (effectively the same as a divorce). Whether it's important diplomatic meetings or officiating Spock's wedding, T'Pau was a Vulcan for the people. Los vulcanos (llamados también vulcanianos) son una especie humanoide perteneciente al universo ficticio de Star Trek, originarios del planeta Vulcano (situado a 15 años luz del planeta Tierra) y conocidos por su estilo de vida basado en la razón y la lógica.A simple vista, se distinguen físicamente de la especie humana por la forma puntiaguda de sus orejas y cejas. "Star Trek" is known for using makeup and prosthetics to transform its actors into non-human beings. In TOS, Spock already was an amazing first officer and friend, helping to save pockets of the galaxy at every turn. First aired January 28, 2005. Over time, though, T'Pol learned to respect the crew and eventually resigned from Vulcan High Command to join them officially as their first officer. T'Pol states that paranoia and homicidal rage were common on Vulcan before the adoption of Surak's code of emotional control. The Star Trek episode "The Enterprise Incident" includes a scene in which Spock administers the "Vulcan death grip" to Kirk to convince Romulan onlookers, apparently unfamiliar with Vulcan techniques, that Kirk had been killed. In Star Trek: Discovery, Michael Burnham does the nerve pinch on Captain Philippa Georgiou and commits mutiny. Though writing articles is her day-job, she moonlights writing fiction and streaming. )[39], Only non-canonical sources have provided any Vulcans with family names, which are usually spoken of as defying attempts at both human pronunciation, especially with English-language phonemes, and human typesetting, especially with the characters of the modern Latin alphabet used for the English language. Nimoy was convinced that such overt violence, in addition to being too similar to that found in many crime dramas of the time, was uncharacteristic of the strictly-logical Spock, and suggested the neck pinch as a less-emotional alternative. It is dissolved in the early fourth season of Star Trek: Enterprise. This is why Spock first described T'Pring as his "wife", before later explaining that this was an incorrect approximation. [41] It is not established whether females have the same option, and T'Pring stated in "Amok Time" that a koon-ut-kal-if-fee challenge was the only way she could legally divorce Spock.[40]. Show creator Gene Roddenberry revealed in 1964 that he wanted an alien as part of the ship's crew, but knew that budget restraints would limit make-up choices. Nick Carraways need not apply. He even said he had visions. He chose actor Leonard Nimoy because of his "high Slavic cheekbones and interesting face" and "with those cheekbones some sort of pointed ear might go well." Of course, her people would revere someone so devoted to them. (tratta da 'The making of Star Trek, Deep Space Nine' di J & G Reeves-Stevens) [30][31] A mind meld was even used to rejoin Spock's katra (see below) with his physical body. One day Star Trek history books will treat him like the legend that he is. Especially after she and Trip (unwillingly) had Elizabeth. Underneath his strong jaw and stern methods, he loved his wives and children dearly. The mechanics of the pinch have never been explained. It also resulted in Vulcan agreeing to stop "looking over Earth's shoulder" in space exploration matters. It is customary for Vulcan children to undertake an initiation ordeal known as the "Kahs-wan" (sometimes spelled Kaswahn), in which they are left to fend for themselves in the desert for a specific period of time. While humanity totally runs in the show in every Star Trek series, their closest allies are, by far, the Vulcans. Throughout the period of Star Trek: Enterprise, the High Command's actions were the themes of several episodes. [3] All Vulcans have arched and upswept eyebrows and pointy ears. Star Trek je americká mediální řada a fikční svět sci-fi televizních seriálů, celovečerních filmů, románů, komiksů i videoher. Il Kolinar è una disciplina rigorosa che si prefigge la purificazione di tutte le emozioni, per ritrovarsi in uno stato di logica totale (Star Trek I, Flashback). In the DS9 episode "The Jem'Hadar", Quark mentions selling Vulcan IDIC pins, and in the DS9 episode "Take Me Out to the Holosuite", Captain Solok and his Vulcan team, the Logicians, wear ball caps featuring the IDIC symbol. Not only was he the greatest mediator ever to live, but Sarek also defied tradition by marrying a human. RELATED: 10 Ways Discovery Connects To Other Star Trek Series. Per festeggiare Spock stupra Saavik secondo l'usanza vulcaniana del Tehl'ommhet'ìnhKuhll. Soval, Vulcan's ambassador to Earth, appeared particularly distrustful of humans, and was often at odds with Archer and his crew. The Vulcan, Spock, first appeared in the original 1965 Star Trek pilot, "The Cage", shown to studio executives.Show creator Gene Roddenberry revealed in 1964 that he wanted an alien as part of the ship's crew, but knew that budget restraints would limit make-up choices. For other uses, see, Fictional extraterrestrial species in Star Trek, "Mind meld" redirects here. Vulcans highly value their philosophers and diplomats, and T'Pau is no exception. Not all children survive this rite of passage. The Romulans had secretly made contact with V'Las and attempted to reunify their long-lost peoples. [4] A Vulcan's on-screen blood is green due to copper-based hemocyanin. When it became clear that this pandemic was going to last a long time, I ordered a face mask from an Etsy seller. One moment you're as driven by your emotions as Klingons, and the next, you confound us by suddenly embracing logic". Zvelebil, e del dr. M.J. Zvelebil e sul romanzo "Il mondo di Spock" di Diane Duane. The bond between Spock and his adopted sister, Michael Burnham, is a central theme of the Star Trek: Discovery second season. While most Vulcans do not express emotions, they still have them. In an act of selflessness, Sybok sacrificed himself so the Enterprise could leave without taking the alien. Only those who follow the discipline of kolinahr have completely purged all emotions from their minds; most Vulcans still have emotions, yet do not express or release them. Planet: Vulcan A humanoid race, with copper-based blood, slightly green-tinted complexion and notably pointed ears, they are responsible in a large part for the founding of the Federation. Nimoy later commented that Roddenberry felt the presence of an alien would "establish that we were in the 23rd century and that interplanetary travel was an established fact."[2]. "Pointy ears", the "Vulcan salute" (hand gesture) and the "Vulcan nerve pinch" are aspects of this fictional race that have entered popular culture. (\"The Andorian Incident\", text commentary, ENT Season 1 DVD special feature)^ The term \"Vulcanian\" has been described as an \"Obsolete term meaning a native of the planet Vulcan. 10 Elizabeth. The actors refused to film it until Roddenberry cut it down. In the TOS episode, "The Savage Curtain" the image of Surak speaks of a time when Vulcan war nearly destroyed them, before logic was embraced as a way of life. In an issue of The Humanist, Majel Barrett claimed that the philosophy of "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations" was based on the teachings of Rabbi Maimonides.[46]. Vulcans practice arranged marriage,[40] in which a male and a female are bonded as children, with consummation at a later date. Spock, in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, attempts to achieve kolinahr, but ultimately fails to do so. [17], Vulcans are typically depicted as stronger, faster, and longer-lived than humans. The Star Trek episode "The Enterprise Incident" includes a scene in which Spock administers the "Vulcan death grip" to Kirk to convince Romulan onlookers, apparently unfamiliar with Vulcan techniques, that Kirk had been killed. Dec 6, 2017 - B McKains glorious Ncc1701-A Model Rendered in Lightwave Standard Orbit The resulting implosion destroyed Vulcan, killing most of its six billion inhabitants. He was dedicated to his duty, his friends, and his family. Katra can also be used to transfer a Vulcan's healing ability to another to aid in regeneration for serious injury. The state of pon farr is not required for marriage to occur. Of all the species we've made contact with, yours is the only one we can't define. The Vulcan Science Academy (VSA) was an advanced educational and research institute located on Vulcan. In the time of Star Trek: Enterprise, Vulcans are seen to be arrogant and cold in their behavior towards humans. We didn't mean it only every seven years. Se i Moneani non avessero interrotto l'estrazione di ossigeno dall'acqua, il loro pianeta avrebbe perso coesione in questo anno. However, which ones have done the most good for history? His work as a father and as an ambassador made him an influential Vulcan who changed history. Patar was dedicated to using their Control system, an AI that asessed dangers in the universe. Early on, female Vulcans were typically given names beginning with "T" followed by an apostrophe then a "p". Stephanie Marceau is a writer, advocate, gamer, and classic novel enthusiast. [29], Mind melds can be used both to erase and restore memories; Spock performs each of these on Captain Kirk during TOS 's third season. You must, but any other time is any other emotion—humanoid emotion—when you're in love. [13], If a mate is not available, there are other ways to relieve the effects of the pon farr, including meditation, violence,[14] infection,[15] "shock",[16] and simulation. See more ideas about star trek, star trek cosplay, star trek universe. While practiced mainly by Vulcans, it is apparently not exclusive to their race. Vulcans are depicted as similar in appearance to humans, as budget constraints in The Original Series did not allow for elaborate make-up. I mean, every seven years would be a little bad, and it would not explain the Vulcans of many different ages that are not seven years apart. Humans and Vulcans may butt heads often, especially during the time Elizabeth was born in, her existence was proof of their capabilities to integrate, physically and mentally. Once triggered, a Vulcan must have sexual intercourse with someone or the chemical imbalance may cause insanity, loss of self-control, and death.[12]. (DIS: "Unification III") Graduates of the Vulcan Science Academy could apply for the Vulcan Expeditionary Group. – Eh, ecco perché sono stati conquistati.

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