san pietro wikipedia

Határai: Mignano Monte Lungo, San Vittore del Lazio és Venafro. Története. Crocifissione di san Pietro – dipinto di Michelangelo; Ultima modifica il 18 dic 2015 alle 11:56. The tomb of Cardinal Nicholas of Kues (d 1464), with its relief, Cardinal Nicholas before St Peter, is by Andrea Bregno. Further work was done at the beginning of the 18th century, under Francesco Fontana, and another renovation in 1875. Tilnavnet «Vincoli» (flertall av italiensk vincolo) kommer fra latinens vinculum, «lenke».. Kirken er kjent for at den huser Michelangelos skulptur Moses.I kirken venereres de lenker som Peter var fjetret med i Jerusalem og Roma. The third altar in the left aisle holds a mosaic of Saint Sebastian from the seventh century. Demografía. 2019 v 13:54. The previous Cardinal Priest of the basilica was Pío Laghi, who died on 11 January 2009. The Titulus S. Petri ad vincula was assigned on 20 November 2010, to Donald Wuerl. San Pietro (italienisch Isola di San Pietro, sard. Dezember 2017) wohnen zu über 90 Prozent in der Inselhauptstadt Carloforte. This is named "San Pietro in Vincoli" per antonomasia. Da sadrži poveznice prema samo jednoj, nezamjenjivim nazivom označenoj odrednici. Other works of art include two canvases of Saint Augustine and St. Margaret by Guercino, the monument of Cardinal Girolamo Agucchi designed by Domenichino, who is also the painter of a sacristy fresco depicting the Liberation of St. Peter (1604). S 51 km² jde o šestý největší ostrov Itálie podle rozlohy. This kind of iconographic symbolism was common in early sacred art, and for an artist horns are easier to sculpt than rays of light. San Pietro Apostolo weboldala A Wikimédia Commons tartalmaz San Pietro Apostolo témájú médiaállományokat. San Pietro Infine község Olaszország Campania régiójában, Caserta megyében. e 250. San Pietro Apostolo község ( comune ) … San Pietro Apostolo es un municipalitate que se trova in le provincia de Catanzaro, in le region del Calabria, in Italia Piazza San Pietro alebo Námestie svätého Petra je centrálne vatikánske námestie ležiace pred Bazilikou svätého Petra. Je pojmenován podle svatého Petra. Je součástí provincie Jižní Sardinie. The church is on the Oppian Hill near Cavour metro station, a short distance from the Colosseum. He is the Florentine sculptor who added the figures of Romulus and Remus to the sculpture of the Capitoline Wolf on the Capitol. Evolución demográfica Koordinater: Yta 4,11 km² [1] Folkmängd: 1 589 (2018) [2] Befolkningstäthet: 387 invånare/km²: Tidszon: CET It mey refer tae an aw: Battles. Slaget om San Pietro var et slag, der blev kæmpet under 2. verdenskrig, som en del af Operation Shingle.Det stod mellem de allierede styrker, og de stærkt tilbagetrukne positioner til tyskernes Gustav-linje.Slaget blev udkæmpet syd for Liridalen, og nær byen San Pietro, deraf navnet. San Pietro − wyspa we Włoszech, u wybrzeży Sardynii Tę stronę ostatnio edytowano 1 cze 2013, 11:53. San Pietro je gora na francoskem otoku Korzika. As a symbol of the subsequently reinforced relationship between Pavia and Rome, an identical altar to Sebastian was built at the Roman church of the same name, resulting in a parallel cult for the saint in both regions. The relics of Sebastian were taken there in order to stop a 680 outbreak of plague, since Sebastian was believed to have been born in Lombardy, and an altar was constructed for his relics at a San Pietro in Vincoli in Pavia. This mosaic is related to an outbreak of plague in Pavia, in northern Italy. Fekvése. [1] [2] [3]Demografia San Pietro Vernotico es una localidad y comune italiana de la provincia de Brindisi, región de Apulia, con 14.449 habitantes.. Tierra de nacimiento del jugador español del FC Bayern de Múnich, Thiago Alcántara. Přibližně 6000 obyvatel žije v rybářském městě Carloforte.Je součástí provincie Jižní Sardinie.Je pojmenován podle svatého Petra [1] Das sieben Kilometer von Sardinien entfernte Eiland gehört zur Provinz Sud Sardegna. [4], The tomb monument of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini was erected 1705-07 by prince Giovanni Battista Pamphili Aldobrandini to a design by his architect Carlo Francesco Bizzaccheri and with the sculptures of putti and a winged skeleton by Pierre Le Gros the Younger.[5]. Féničané ho nazývali Enosim nebo Inosim, zatímco pro Řeky to byl Hieracon nesos a pro Římany Accipitrum. Painter and sculptor Antonio Pollaiuolo is buried at the left side of the entrance. Die übrigen leben in Streusiedlungen. Faz fronteira com Mignano Monte Lungo, San Vittore del Lazio (FR), Venafro (IS). For other churches of this dedication, see St Peter ad Vincula (disambiguation). San Pietro, « Saint Pierre » en français, peut faire référence à : Géographie Italie. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 18 dic 2015 alle 11:56. 6. Ostrov nemá žádné řeky nebo potoky, ale rysy mnoha rybníků a bažin. Opis ovih pojmova treba da je kratak. [3] Numerous churches to saint Peter bear the Ad Vincula suffix, relating them to the relic, basilica and enchainment of the Roman church-founding saint. Nahaja se v departmaju Corse-du-Sud (Južna Korzika). V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku San Pietro Island na anglické Wikipedii. San Pietro in Gu, in the province of Padua; San Pietro in Guarano, in the province of Cosenza; San Pietro in Lama, in the province of Lecce; San Pietro Infine, in the province of Caserta; San Pietro Mosezzo, in the province of Novara; San Pietro Mussolino, in the province of Vicenza; San Pietro Val Lemina, in the Metropolitan City of Turin The basilica, consecrated in 439 by Sixtus III, has undergone several restorations, among them a restoration by Pope Adrian I, and further work in the eleventh century. Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano; Antica basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano San Pietro Mussolino Kommun: Officiellt namn: Comune di San Pietro Mussolino Land Italien: Region: Veneto: Provins: Vicenza Höjdläge 270 m ö.h. The cloister (1493–1503) has been attributed to Giuliano da Sangallo. Podle legendy je tak ostrov pojmenován, protože ho svatý Petr navštívil v roce 46 našeho letopočtu. San Pietro di Castello, Kirche auf der gleichnamigen Insel vor Venedig San Pietro di Sorres , Kirche und Kloster auf Sardinien San Pietro (Perugia) , Kirche und Kloster in Perugia, Umbrien They are remembered each year on 1 August, the same day as the miracle of the fusing of the two chains. Přibližně 6000 obyvatel žije v rybářském městě Carloforte. The front portico, attributed to Baccio Pontelli, was added in 1475. Freiberg, Jack (2014), "Bramante's Tempietto, the Roman Renaissance, and the Spanish Crown", New York, Cambridge University Press, 2014. Also known as the Basilica Eudoxiana, it was first rebuilt on older foundations[1] in 432–440 to house the relic of the chains that bound Saint Peter when he was imprisoned in Jerusalem, the episode called "Liberation of Saint Peter". Isula e Sàntu Pèdru) ist eine rund 54 km² große Insel vor der Südwestspitze Sardiniens. San Pietro in Cariano (San Piętro in Carian in veneto) è un comune italiano di 12 932 abitanti della provincia di Verona in Veneto.Situato in Valpolicella a 14 chilometri da Verona, il suo territorio si può definire di pianura pedemontana, con un'altezza compresa tra 75 m s.l.m. V osmnáctém století byl neobydlený San Pietro osídlen lidmi etnického původu, pocházejícími z kolonie janovské republiky. Itália. The interior has a nave and two aisles, with three apses divided by antique Doric columns. [6] It is highly unlikely that these are in fact the Jewish martyrs that had offered their lives in Jerusalem. Baratili San Pietro (Boàtiri) on kaupunki ja kunta Italiassa Sardinian hallintoalueella Sassarin maakunnassa.Kunnassa on arviolta 1 312 asukasta (vuonna 2016) ja sen pinta-ala on 6,1 neliökilometriä.Se sijaitsee 11 metrin korkeudella merenpinnan yläpuolella. Lähteet Michelangelo's Moses (completed in 1515), while originally intended as part of a massive 47-statue, free-standing funeral monument for Pope Julius II, became the centerpiece of the Pope's funeral monument and tomb in this, the church of della Rovere family. La teksto disponeblas laŭ la permesilo Krea Komunaĵo Atribuite-Samkondiĉe 3.0 Neadaptita; eble aldonaj kondiĉoj aplikeblas. San Pietro, Vicenza; Ova strana je razvrstavanje za više pojmova označenih jednim nazivom. In 1876 archeologists discovered the tombs of those once believed to be the seven Maccabean martyrs depicted in 2 Maccabees 7–41., licencí Creative Commons Uveďte autora – Zachovejte licenci, Isola di San Pietro, Isula 'e Sàntu Pèdru (. San Pietro di Morubio este o comună din provincia Verona, regiunea Veneto, Italia, cu o populație de 3.020 de locuitori și o suprafață de 16,12 km².. Demografie. The Empress Eudoxia (wife of Emperor Valentinian III), who received them as a gift from her mother, Aelia Eudocia, consort of Valentinian II, presented the chains to Pope Leo I. Aelia Eudocia had received these chains as a gift from Iuvenalis, bishop of Jerusalem. Petrovi San Pietro is Italian for Saunt Peter – see an aw Saunt Peter (disambiguation).. Pobřeží je tady obecně velmi strmé. San Pietro Val Lemina – miejscowość i gmina we Włoszech, w regionie Piemont, w prowincji Turyn.. Według danych na rok 2004 gminę zamieszkiwało 1475 osób, a gęstość zaludnienia wynosi 122,9 os./km².. Bibliografia. Ostrov má vulkanický původ. 18 km pobřeží je většinou skalní; západní a severní část zahrnuje některé přírodní jeskyně a několik malých pláží. Vnitrozemí je kopcovité. From 1471 to 1503, in which year he was elected Pope Julius II, Cardinal Della Rovere, the nephew of Pope Sixtus IV, effected notable rebuilding. Die 6173 Einwohner von San Pietro (Stand 31. San Pietro (Stabio) estas frakcio de la komunumo Stabio de la Distrikto Mendrisio en Kantono Tiĉino en Svislando Ĉi tiu paĝo estis lastafoje redaktita je 19:12, 1 mar. San Pietro je dnes domovem pro pozůstatky z fénické, římské a sardinské civilizace. San Pietro (ilha) — na Sardenha San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro — basílica em Pavia; Roma. The aisles are surmounted by cross-vaults, while the nave has an 18th-century coffered ceiling, frescoed in the center by Giovanni Battista Parodi, portraying the Miracle of the Chains (1706). Stránka byla naposledy editována 4. San Pietro di Morubio - evoluția demografică A megye északnyugati részén fekszik, Nápolytól 70 km-re északnyugatra, Caserta városától 50 km-re északnyugati irányban. In this scene, Pope Alexander heals the neck goiter of Saint Balbina by touching her with the chains that once bound St Peter. 2017. Gora je bila prizorišče nesreče leta 1308 Inex-Adrie Avioprometa leta 1981 Praça de São Pedro — Piazza di San Pietro em italiano; Igrejas. Dodnes si většina obyvatel zachovala janovaký dialekt, nazývaný Tabarchino. Námestie tvoriace dominantný priestor tohto mestského štátu je dielom významného architekta, sochára a maliara talianskeho baroka Gian Lorenza Berniniho . Ostrov je znám již od starověku. San Pietro in Vincoli (Saint Peter in Chains) is a Roman Catholic titular church and minor basilica in Rome, Italy, best known for being the home of Michelangelo's statue of Moses, part of the tomb of Pope Julius II. Nejvyššími horami jsou Guardia dei Mori (211 m) a Bricco Tortoriso (208 m). San Pietro Infine é uma comuna italiana da região da Campania, província de Caserta, com cerca de 1.025 habitantes.Estende-se por uma área de 14 km², tendo uma densidade populacional de 73 hab/km². The altarpiece on the first chapel to the left is a Deposition by Cristoforo Roncalli. Il contenuto è disponibile in base alla licenza CC BY-SA 3.0, se non diversamente specificato. Visoka je 1364 metrov. Battle o San Pietro, focht in 1734; Battle o San Pietro Infine, focht in 1943; Kirks. L'Île San Pietro, une des deux îles principales de l'archipel des Sulcis; L'Île de San Pietro di Castello, île de la lagune de Venise; San Pietro a Maida, commune de la province de Catanzaro dans la région Calabre [7], Michelangelo's Moses, Statue in the basilica, Reliquary containing the chains of St Peter, Frescos by Giacomo Coppi (1577) in the raised tribune, Tomb of Cardinal Cinzio Aldobrandini by Bizzaccheri and Le Gros, Tomb with relief "Cardinal Nicholas before St Peter" by Andrea Bregno, List of the cardinal titulars of the church[8][9], Excavations in 1956–59 revealed older foundation of the same dimensions, rising on Roman remains of various periods, the oldest dating to, Emmanuel Théodose de la Tour d'Auvergne de Bouillon, "Diocese of Burlington, St Peter Church, Rutland: Vigil Mass and Sunday Mass", Roman Catholic ecclesiastical province of Rome, Boncompagni Ludovisi Decorative Art Museum, Museo Storico Nazionale dell'Arte Sanitaria,, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Articles with Latin-language sources (la), Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Antonio Arcioni (12 June 1405 – 21 July 1405), João Afonso Esteves da Azambuja (6 June 1411 – 23 January 1415), Galeotto Franciotti della Rovere (6 December 1503 – 11 September 1507), Sisto Gara della Rovere (11 September 1507 – 8 March 1517), Leonardo Grosso della Rovere (9 March 1517 – 17 September 1520), Albrecht von Brandenburg (5 January 1521 – 24 September 1545), Marco Antonio Colonna (5 December 1580 – 13 October 1586), Girolamo della Rovere (14 January 1587 – 7 February 1592), Girolamo Agucchi (25 June 1604 – 27 April 1605), Lanfranco Margotti (11 January 1610 – 28 February 1611), Savo Millini (12 December 1689 – 10 February 1701), Marcello Durazzo (21 February 1701 – 27 April 1710), Fulvio Astalli (7 May 1710 – 16 April 1714), Lorenzo Casoni (21 January 1715 – 19 November 1720), Lorenzo Corsini (16 December 1720 – 19 November 1725), Gianantonio Davia (19 November 1725 – 11 February 1737), Vincenzo Petra (11 February 1737 – 16 September 1740), Francesco Antonio Finy (16 September 1740 – 11 March 1743), Nicolò Maria Lercari (11 March 1743 – 21 March 1757), Antonio Andrea Galli (23 May 1757 – 24 March 1767), Gaetano Fantuzzi Gottifredi (6 April 1767 – 1 October 1778), Lazzaro Opizio Pallavicino (14 December 1778 – 23 February 1785), Girolamo Della Porta (20 September 1802 – 5 September 1812), Tommaso Arezzo (29 April 1816 – 29 May 1820), Paolo Giuseppe Solaro (24 November 1823 – 9 September 1824), Joachim-Jean-Xavier d’Isoard (17 September 1827 – 15 April 1833), Luis de la Lastra y Cuesta (12 July 1867 – 5 May 1876), This page was last edited on 15 February 2021, at 22:55.

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